Your World With Neil Cavuto : FOXNEWSW : July 19, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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jd vance. president trump sarah leavitt in pennsylvania. >> martha: interesting conversation the vance pick and how he'll be implanted to make the most of campaigning. i spoke with orders in wisconsin about their support of former president trump because we spoke with republicans at republican national convention and we talk to them about the attempt on the president's life. so both of those are available at foxnews really interesting group, thoughtful group of voters talking about what matters to them, what they're looking for in election 2024 so tune into both of those at foxnews that's the story for this friday july 19th. the story goes on. will be back here on monday at 3 your world starts right now. have a great weekend. [ ♪♪ ] >> the clock is ticking on the

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pressure now mounting as president biden keeps democrats guessing. with donald trump now officially at the top of the republican ticket who will be at the top of the democratic 1. at least 32 democrats openly calling on bite into something bow out. what is california democratic congressman want to see? he is here and so is former obama fundraiser don peebles. with reports bidens campaign is quickly drying up vice president come in the harris teaming up with democratic donors and what we are told is very hastily arranged phone call today. what is all that about? welcome everybody neil cavuto. let's get right to it. jacqui heinrich on fast-moving developments at the white house. >> a lot of hasty recapping on the phone's. vice president kamala harris addressing a major network of donors in a hastily arranged call according to the new york times to address the quote urgent emerging needs. that came right after the campaign held and all staff call

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following another prominent democrat calling on president biden to drop out of the race. this was congresswoman zoloft graham from california. she cited dismal polling that would also take the majorities in the house and a letter in her letter understood to be message from nancy pelosi appear to allude to a call biden had with the former house speaker when they clashed over his chances in november. lofton wrote to biden as i'm aware you have been provided data indicating in all likelihood you would lose the race for president cathy lenac through again. i'm going to give you direct water contact. they are saying stay in this race and keep going and keep voting and fighting i really do. loschmann denied pelosi's involvement in an interview last hour but did indicate policy got a heads up on this. >> this came from the not from

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her from anyone else. obviously tried to give her and other leaders of heads up if i'm going do something but this is for me. >> martha: >> senator chris coons bidens campaign cochair backpedaled after indicating this morning joe biden's decision to stay in the race will not be final. >> our president is weighing what he should weigh which is who is the best candidate to encode november and carry former forward the democratic values in the campaign? >> later he took that back saying joe biden told me he's in it to win it and with him 100% but it might be tough to put the genie back in a bottle especially as the campaign is trying to swat down reports members of the president's own family are talking about what his exit from the race might look like and insisting as soon as he tests negative for covid he be back out on the campaign trail. >> you know it's remarkable as they seem to be talking past each other. congressmen and senators who

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want him to step down in the family and his own campaign saying we are business as usual. weird. >> it seems like the leadership and heavyweights within the party have accepted the pressure campaign is going to have a result and they are moving along with the planning for that eventuality. still the there's no change from the president that we are aware of. so it seems like they are moving along with the expectation without the for stepping in place and that's why we see all see all this back and forth smacking credible. thank you. you been busy this week. jackie got the white house. >> so as we have things right now 3 democrat senators, 29 democratic congressman are urging joe to go but not my next guest at least not yet. congressmen of california kind enough to join us. good to have you back congressman. you're so far not making the leap that some of your colleagues are. where you stand right now?

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>> thanks for having me back on. i'm still in the same place i was. obviously the most respect for president biden and think he's been a historic president pastor storic legislation but the truth is as we said a few days ago you got to look at the objective data. this is about winning and losing and there's no second-place when it comes to presidential elections. this was always meant to be a really close race again if you look back at 2020 it was less than 100,000 votes across a handful of states. everything we are looking at now is the playing field has actually increased, moved in donald trump's direction. and even someone who i respect well general o'malley dylan campaign chair for mr biden, even a little slippage as she said we lose the race, and unfortunately i think that's what folks are starting to see which is why you're seeing folks tried to get the president to reconsider. >> sounds like you are 1 of them.

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>> ultimately its country president biden's own decision. i respect the president. i urge folks to really look at the data and see where we are at." on the president's legacy to be intact. this is a guy who's come back time and time again so i understand it's really hard decision. i've been 1 of those ardent supporters certainly in 2021 folks said he could not win. he did go on and win. but this is a different election coming off an assassination attempt. part of the reason why you're seeing a lot of democrats starting to come out as they are getting their own internal poles coming back either at the senate level or in some battleground host races. and it doesn't look that great. i think that's why. >> what are the polls? that's where i'm confused because some of the general poles is still fairly tight race. tracking polls that children may be among democratic voters in general it is slipping rather rapidly.

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that is not in some of the other poles. attack about watching new york times et cetera. sort of a looking at, were you looking at the shows he is vulnerable? >> i wouldn't look at the general poles which are a snapshot of the entire country. president biden will win california and should win york and a lot of the traditional police states but i would look at the battleground states. what's happening in pennsylvania what's happening in wisconsin and michigan, and if those poles are slipping as we have indications that they are and he's behind them it's really hard to encode the presidential race and electoral college. we are hearing states at minnesota, new hampshire, nevada is 1 we have been doing fairly well on statewide presidential races. of those are slipping on coming into play that's worrisome. >> neil: i raise this very issue with your former colleague ohio congressman tim ryan.

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he's of the mindset right now that we're past dating the schedule has got to go. there is a back-and-forth with him earlier today. i want you to react to this spiritual biden's great man and has done really good things and it's time to pass the torch. >> neil: he beat her for the nomination. she was a horrible candidate for the nomination. got chosen as vice president just as joe biden was a lousy candidate for the nomination and got chosen by barack obama. and take nothing away. i'm pointing out that she is young and saving glory show me likely young and saving disaster >> i think like anybody who has a new job 3 and a half years and you're a hell of a lot better than you were when you started. >> what do you make of that? >> i've known vice president harris for long time.

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we are both fellow californians, both indian-american dissent. i think she's ready to do the job. i think she's a tenacious campaigner. this is about winning. she's been the person closest to this phenomenal biden harrison demonstration. but i also think there's always benefit if we decide it should an open process, and some sort of abbreviated primary with a couple candidates town halls debates going into the convention. that would give us some momentum >> neil: very honourable man. do you worry the message this sends? the democrats of the nominee is slipping in the polls were dropping or has a bad night at a debate, another debate was worse than a bad night. but then you kick them out what does that say about loyalty and what does that say about sticking with a guy in the future through thick and thin? >> it's not where we would like

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to be at this moment in time certainly. i think we all are loyal to president biden which is why i've not said anything other than it is ultimately his decision as president of the united states and someone who's amassed nominees but if you are to see data that suggested he might lose big i would hope he would make the right decision and at that point we can go on and take the next steps. but right now it is his decision. >> you ever wonder if harry truman had access to data that democrats 1948 looked awful for him? they would have kicked him out and maybe found someone else but the bottom line was he proved to the data wrong. >> again maybe president biden and his team are looking at different data. as you said, there's a path to victory here. it just has gotten pretty narrow

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whereas i think the trump campaign has multiple paths with the states. 4 months is a long time and it's a maternity in campaigns. if joe biden decides to run and we're going to live thing we can to help them get a second term spee congressman always great having you on. thanks for taking the time. 's. thanks. >> live at 10 maritimer kamala harris. she will be making time to talk to party donors but before that a little ice cream. take a peek. my ideal on this is in the middle of a potential constitutional crisis there's always time for ice cream. just remember that. done people so scraps of the view the former barack obama fundraiser peoples corporation founder and ceo. you are watching this play out. not the asking part but it is a little slippery slope so playing off the theme.

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this meeting with donors hastily arranged. it might have been originally planned to include the president. i take nothing away from that but it is building here. and i don't know if it's a jailbreak of support for the president away from the president what you make of it? >> you touched on loyalty so clearly just loyalty. but i think there's panic. i mean this has been the worst process i have seen in my lifetime and i've never seen such a chaotic circular firing squad. joe biden started losing the selection when he got into office. the policies he implemented, the border crises, the migrant crisis that's created almost unlivable environment in major cities around the country like san francisco and new york. the attacks on trump trying to vilify him and then trying to bankrupt him. then trying to put him in jail so they have not once articulated a vision of where they want to take america's.

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is that a failure on his part and that's why the want to switch towards us now or is it just like rearranging the titanic. it's not come to make a difference? >> out of the can mix a difference at all. i think the idea, i think they've got to come to the realization that many of their policies are being rejected by america and biden was trailing and trump was winning and essentially every battleground state before the debate. he just opened up a little bit better lead after the debate. so i don't understand what's really changed except that now they are being discovered is having lied to the public for so long about his cognitive abilities. now they are panicking and i think that there at a big risk of losing the senate and that's a highly likely scenario. >> he's got to be the 1 to say all right i will go. >> why should he go? >> is not something you can force on him. he's got to be the 1 who steps down. >> neil: they are doing their

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best to try to force it on him. former president obama indicated the pathway is very difficult yesterday saying it publicly. >> neil: what did you make of that? he's your friend. he abandoned you. >> i think he abandoned him but is trying to be realistic. >> neil: that's another word for abandoning. >> i think the question is okay if his pathway to victory is very challenged who has a better pathway? i don't think there's anybody that would be able to be more competitive than president biden other than maybe michelle obama. i think they put themselves in such a difficult position. kamala harris being the nominee doesn't do anything for the party. that's who voters will look at as being the potential president anyway because of biden's age and his health, supporting her forward i don't think that happens. so i think if they change, if he withdraws, i think they'll be looking for a complete change

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and be chaotic snack the donors are all about money and support. it's seamless if you go to someone like him a harris because she partakes in the dough joe biden has. but a lot of them are very concerned so tell me how you think that meeting is going with her or what do you guys discuss? donors more to the point when they meet with canada? >> there will be polite, ask about a pathway to win, it i would ask her. >> they wanted to be that pathway. >> i'm not sure the donors want her to be the pathway. >> neil: it's an implosion if they pass over her for someone else, assuming they get their way and dumped joe biden. >> not necessarily. it can be the governor of michigan and the governor of maryland. >> neil: how will that set with kamala harris and her supporters? >> that's a pretty big slap in the face. >> westmore would be a much more-- the maryland governor

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would be a much more competitive vice president candidate. >> neil: why have a ticket at all if you're going to rearrange it and do things after-the-fact. >> i couldn't agree with you more. having the biden won all the primaries. he deserves to be the nominee and his best case scenario right now. but there is an alternative. i think if he goes and this ticket goes i think you're looking to rearrange the chairs entirely and then i would think westmore would be highly considered and i think governor whitmer would be even a she says she doesn't want but i think if presented to her she would. but again i think the most, it would have to be michelle obama and she says she doesn't want to neither. >> isn't it weird the selection year started out with everyone thinking the republicans want to be all over each other killing each other never getting anything done not remotely united.

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they are as thick as thieves. they united. the democrats that they would waltz into another renominated process that would be more like a coronation, they are the ones fighting with each other. >> yes, but again the republicans have had a pattern of being loyal, to the nominees, loyal to the candidates. think about george bush. george walker bush stuck it out with clarence thomas. he still on the supreme court built the internet to go through 3 attorney general nominees to get 1. because he kept dropping them. this party needs to be loyal snicket can be corrosive down the road. however, this is settled. >> yes, and also the lack of respect for the process and the american voters who voted for joe biden. >> neil: just wild stuff. thanks for stopping by don peebles. if we take a break and want to draw your attention to this huge selloff today. don't know if you heard about this global it outage across the world affected a number of airline stocks, affected markets all over the globe. millions, tens of millions of

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passengers trying to get anywhere today couldn't. a lot of people cannot log into the bank so their favourite social media account and it persists as we speak. it's not a little bit better but it wasn't exactly a great capper to it was a rocky week. so we are following that also following plans, the challenger to joe biden what he's planning he and his running mate plan to be in grand rapids tomorrow for the campaign event. that has a lot of people worried for the ticket safety particularly former president what he had to deal with last week. by the secret service is saying we are way on top of this week. after this.

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spee macdonald trump will be back on the stump tomorrow. he and jd vance plan to make an appearance in grand rapids michigan tomorrow. so obviously whatever happened last week in pennsylvania has not stopped the former president from wanting to be of their meeting with the folks. that's get the read and how the secret service is trying to prepare for this and how bill gates thinks they should be preparing for this after last week's near total. former secret service agent bill gates on all of that. i was looking at this venue where they are both appearing tomorrow. it's at the arena and it holds

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12,000 people indoors so you're assessing that. what do you do? >> thanks for having me. so indoor events present their own unique security challenges. when i first on the secret service in 2002 there were not allowed of outdoor events, and i think over time politicians i don't want to sale must have become addicted about their like these large outdoor events. they really like to shake hands on the road plans 10, 20, even 50, 60,000 people. at the obama attended event when i was in the secret service at university of michigan stadium and i think there was a largest the secret service had worked at the time. i think there was 100 k. people attending that event so indoor events have their own unique security challenges so if you take a venue such as madison square garden weaselhead to post i was lead advance on an event with obama in the gymnasium

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where there were no gangways or rafters we didn't have to have any counter sniper support in the rafters. but indoor events present unique security challenges. >> let me get a sense. this holds 12,000 people i think. but something like that. donald trump event with 200,000 people packed in an area in new jersey. so that is i imagine unwieldy but after last week the secret service had made clear or tried to make clear that they'll be ready for this 1. i don't know whether they ever beefed up their manpower when we got word of this threat that the word has gotten to secret service. so i don't know if it made, was boosted going into pennsylvania last week. what you think about that now? >> every single secret service event that have ever worked from

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large national specials a grievance to even small fundraisers at private residences, there is always some sort of security threat whether that was some sort of intel coming in, whether that was suspicious person unusual interest or report of somebody with a firearm. so they're daily threats of the secret service is analysing and sometimes they be 5 different details depending on the threat level and where the protect he is travelling to. so that's normal course of business was secret service. so i knew that this was, you know, a tragedy in haiti is or dramatic but i know this attended assassination attempt to the public is really shocking but to the secret service like i said they're constantly beefing up security depending on the threat level and what's happening, there were times when president obama's was an office that there be an unusual interest case. i remember 1 in particular were an individual had a very unusual

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interest towards 1 of the member of obama's family and he was consultation on 2 events and we had to take precautions and countermeasures to prevent this person from showing up. >> neil: is that secret service. >> is that secret service than the same as it is now? a lot of people say it's not the same. >> i will say that the protective model the secret service uses is the same now that was and i was there. the secret service has a very robust protective model and they've used this model for decades. technology has genes and threats. the secret service has a drone program they have implemented so they've enhanced the magnetometers. when i was in the secret service the technology changed so secret service got additional updated magnetometers. so the technology change,

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obviously limousine the president's losing changes every couple of years because of technology increases. ballistics. better research for ballistics. so the secret service is constantly looking to evolve the protective model but the core of the model is the same. >> neil: hopefully they've learned something from last week because something went very wrong last week. thank you very much. don't gauge, speaking about last week horror that went down in butler pennsylvania, the hero dad was buried today. brian llenas has more on that. >> hundreds gathered along the roadside here in pennsylvania to honour a hero to bid a final farewell to the veteran and former fire chief corey comparator today. there is also hundreds of more than 100 firetrucks police cars and motorcyclists who followed his flag draped coffin today in an emotional and beautiful funeral procession as it left

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his private church and as his body was taken to freeport pennsylvania where he will be laid to rest. the 50-year-old was honoured with the 21-gun salute as bagpipes played taps comparator was killed protecting his wife and daughter urging them to get down as shots rang out at that rally. last night the former president honoured with the moment of silence. he then walked over and kissed his firefighter helmet and jacket that was sent to the rnc by the family. trump wanted to go to the funeral apparently but was unable to because secret service said no over security concerns. meanwhile the fbi continues to comb through the shooters 2 phones and computer in search of a motive for the attack. there's a particular emphasis on encrypted applications. we know the shooter was on the discord app but there is conflicting information as to whether or not he was on the gaming encrypted app steam lawmakers briefed said the shooter wrote july 13th will

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be my premier. watch as it unfolds. but now we are told the fbi cannot confirm whether the steam account used to write the messages real or fake. last night republican congressman mike watts said the fbi has identified encrypted accounts with servers based overseas. he's questioning whether the shooter used these app for us to communicate with anyone abroad. >> the shooter had 3 encrypted accounts overseas. at the same time we having iranian plot so i think this is going to go much broader much deeper. >> we are also told a rally last week was initially sent to be held the butler county airport but the venue had another event. is matter-of-fact on the same day they are hosting a commercial for local firefighters so if just 10 days before the rally they went to the butler farm show in the president to that organization

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reportedly says they were given less than a week before the secret service went there on july 8th to do their security advance which the president said seemed awfully quick in terms of a turnaround from july 8th 20 event was july 13th for the secret service to do that advance. >> thank you for all of that. brian llenas following that. he might have seen a brian's report congressman weikel waltz of florida. he'll be part of this house oversight committee hearing with the secret service director can really cheadle and he will be my special guest uncovered a live tomorrow. his take on what secret service has to do now and whether he thinks can really cheadle is up to the job. is made a very clear he has his serious doubts. in the meantime serious concerns about what amounted to the largest it outage crash in history. steve harrigan has more. >> reporter: the it meltdown rattled a big chunk of the world's economy. steve harrigan in atlanta. that story ahead.

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hit hospitals, surgeries have to be postponed. 9/11 call centres, some temporally down and banks also knocked off online. the cybersecurity company company that with some of the major corporations around the world and they were all rattled by this meltdown. we talk with people and some of them waited for hours to be sold their system is done. many of them confused about what has caused the delays. >> i wish they would update and plus something. even if it is yes philadelphia at this time or how long we're going to be here. >> it's an opportunity to practice patience and go with the flow. 1 way or another we'll get to boston faster than walking. >> the transportation secretary pete buttigieg says he expected me thing back to normal by tomorrow. >> neil: thank you for that. steve harrigan and all of that. this went way beyond just even some of the dealings he was getting into. kelly o'grady on the other side of this.

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>> reporter: that's right. this is much bigger than 1 industry and really underscores how reliant on technology we are i want to throw up some names of the companies experience in this. banks automakers, hotels. 1 area in particular the concerning is the medical field. think about the digital systems that host patient care instructions. we talk with the ceo of michigan medicine dealing with the outage. delays are the biggest problem for them. >> convenience is impacted because right now there are delays in scheduling appointments or scheduling appointments. we use centralized call centre so that's delayed. it's not a function but it's delayed. we do like many health systems use visits and right now tele-visits are working but not working optimally. >> yeah, so really, really struggling. here's a list of hospitals across the country that are

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dealing with this. sloan-kettering centre cancer centre shared they have positive start of any procedures that require anaesthesia. harris health has been to hospital visits entirely and i will leave you with us. people want answers. the crowd strike ceo just tweeted this out. he says quote we are working on a technical update and root cause analysis that will share with everyone as well as stock close down 11% today so people want answers and they want this frustration to go away." sent back to you. >> you for that. is kelly hinted this deadhead a lot of companies and a lot of technology companies, a lot of stocks around the world. the follow from the selloff after this. switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more.

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exchanges initially, and later on we had this extending to stores. something the sweeping in this big naturally getting a response like you would see today at the corner of will and broad. a big selloff. not in end to it was a pretty bumpy week to begin with. luke lloyd with us strategic wealth partners investment genius. looked to be expected we would selloff on this but it was relentless. >> it's pretty crazy how 1 bad software update can cost the world billions of dollars in economic output. this recent cyber outage raises a lot of concerns for people that didn't realize how interconnected we really are and how many companies use the exact same software and security systems. it all most feels like we are in a sci-fi movie where we are 1 bad thing away from skynet turning self-aware. there's to make big shifts that will happen. number 1 companies will diversify away from crowd strike. elon musk only said he deleted his crowd strike from his servers and technology

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transitions are expensive and messy which leaves companies vulnerable to attacks as they transition which is in good. so i wouldn't be surprised if you see more headlines around cybersecurity tax over the next few months and you might want to look into the defence stocks or maybe the other cybersecurity stocks specially as they attacks have been from outside the us and the other shift other shift that's when to happen the government seems to jump on every opportunity to get involved in our life especially when this outage grounded flights prevented 9/11 college from answering phone calls and preventing hospitals from performing surgeries. you will see much morning increased call for government regulation. you have the whole ai part of the conversation's over the long-term cyber force could be around the corner workspace force was was greater then 2019. >> neil: a i was really not part of this but of course ai has been 1 of the big investment draws globally and that was it today as technology. we are told as well right now from jpmorgan chase that the vast majority of ap are now operating normally. although it like a lot of other

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banks are not fully up to speed here so this sent a powerful message. technology is great until it isn't. >> exactly right. i remember a bin around technology my whole life. growing about 6 years old on my computer playing around. settle my grandpa's lap. like i don't understand any of this because his recall but. >> you're honoured. >> proud geek and nerd absolutely. thing with technology is it so ingrained in all of our lives that you have to use technology and be able to use technology to help you grow economically and help you grow from the point of your career. a lot of my business my whole life i saw coal mines go to business and so the whole transition of learn how to call transit co. transition of illness talking about so as technology contains to rise and ai continues to rise you want to

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make sure you're part of the revolution being able to use it because if you're not your be left behind. >> audit. wild stuff. let's hope things calmed down but has been a bumpy ride to put it mildly. luke lloyd on all of that. will be exploring this a lot more tomorrow. in the meantime sean o'brien the teamsters had historic first. there he is front and centre a republican convention speaking to republican conventioneers. he heard a lot back from union members. he's next. >> president trump an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine

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>> i refuse to keep doing the same things my predecessors did. [ cheering and applause ] today the teamsters are here to say we are not beholden to anyone or any party. i don't care about getting criticized. it's an honour to be the first teamster and i 121 year history to address the republican national convention. >> teamsters president john o'brien addressing republican crowd of the convention as he

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pointed out. it was an historic first. republicans loved it. the white house even some union members, not flipping over. sean is here right now. but did you think of the reaction you got? >> i think the reaction the far-left isn't happy, although they will accept large donations we make. the far-right are not happy because they don't want to lose control and they are self-serving on the far-right. they're all about patting their own pockets. my message was clear, all about american workers and trials and tribulations we face every day and the changes that need to happen in this country. >> neil: are you going to support donald trump? are you going to put the full teamster weight behind that? >> we have not made any decision on who we are going to support this time especially now with all the uncertainty in the democratic party. you have to remember 1 thing, and you and i have talked about this quite a bit, i represent 1.3 million members.

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1.3 million members is more than some senators and states represent and very diverse membership. we have republicans, democrats and independents. under the critics focus on here and now but i've got an obligation. those are the people i work for. those are my employers and have an obligation to hear from every single 1 of them whether they are democrat, republican or independent. i have been a democrat my entire life. >> neil: ironically you have not heard from the white house whether it is joe biden or anyone, kamala harris. and it's been the better part of a month. may be more, right? >> yeah, there's no disputing the facts we asked both parties to speak at the same time. republican party give us the opportunity and we will hopefully be optimistic we get the same opportunity at the d&c. and as of yet they haven't done it. and look, the 1 thing i think you know about me is i call balls and strikes. if we don't get invited shame on them. >> neil: are you telling me

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that even after the speech, it was a barnburner spee, you are a very good speaker by the way but they didn't get back to you, no 1 at the white house said how are you doing pal? >> it was the complete opposite. i seen some tweets go out there or whatever it is that social media platform. but the people that are critics other people that i don't represent. they are not in our union. we've got overwhelming support pick if you went on to talk or anything else. 1 thing there is a lot of uncertainty from our members is why are we doing this? and i kept telling them listen. wait till you hear the message and the speech. it is going to be all about our members, all about working people. all about being a true american and unfortunately it's funny this day and age, people can, supposed to be be will have any opinions, speak freely.

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the new york times, political, a hole have so much inaccurate information. i refer to them as they can be just like weather people. they can be wrong 95% of the time and still keep their jobs. i don't sweat the stuff. i know who my employer is and i know our mission. look, i have been in worse situations and come out on top and that's what we plan on doing. >> neil: i only meant it because other big unions say, united auto workers, all rallying behind the president and you're quite right to point out we don't even know if joe biden will ultimately be on ballots in november the way thanks are. he wants to be but there's a foot now to say he shouldn't be. cody feel about that, the pressure you're getting from fellow union members, sold-out, you talk to republicans? >> imagine having a conversation with someone on the other side, will lead to treasonous stick opinion. the reality is the people that are criticizing, you know,

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especially my organization which is very few. 1 person who's been a career hitter is out there spewing inconsistencies and nontruths because he just can't get along with people and that's okay. the truth comes out. other unions if they are critical so be it. that's on them. the process we went through we were totally transparent and totally inclusive of the people that allow us the privilege to serve them and people who give their confidence in us to make the decisions and they should be heard and i'm hearing everyone of them. we have a publication coming out , 1.6 million active and retirees. those are the people that give me the guides. i cannot speak for any other unions whether transparent or include rank-and-file. i can only speak for the teamsters union that elected me to bring change but unify the organization. we are trying to do in america. >> neil: don peebles is a big democrat a fundraiser who says this infighting among democrats

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to replace joe biden chose to lack of loyalty and have fair weather friend dish they can be. i don't think that the term. but he doesn't like the message it is sending. what you think of it? >> loyalty is 1 thing that i was brought up on and practice sometimes to a fault but we've got to face reality. i can speak personally for me. if and when and it's come to happen and i lose my fastball, i will step aside and enjoy quality of life with my kids and grandkids and look back and be very proud of the career that i have. this infighting. point does nothing but further divided. the 1 thing that i got criticized for is try to reach across the aisle to collaborate with people that have difference of opinions in trying to truly effectuate change for the betterment of working people in america. and everybody has their opinions. at the end of the day, you know, infighting in any organization

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or political party is detrimental to the mission and. >> neil: got it. you or your own man. controversy seems to follow. keep us posted. very good seeing you again. >> i'm sorry about that high. i am having a battle with united airlines nationwide so we are ready to go. >> neil: you have more important things to do. thank you very much. i want to go to barbecue sack on all of this. the hill editor-in-chief. that was a move of historic proportions. regardless of whether he, the teamsters support donald trump, they might not support anyone, he was there. a union leader was there addressing the republican convention. that's wild. >> yeah, and listen i think he's using his leverage. he threw a fastball that the media including the hill so call us about any concerns they are reporting but at the same time i respect him. he's gone to the republicans and democrats. he hasn't heard from democrats. advocates a shrewd political move. >> neil: is that while he hasn't heard from them in the

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states back over a month, 5 or 6 weeks. long before this push to replace joe biden. >> at the got lease obviously you have turmoil. the democrat party right now is in shambles. they have may be a few more important things to do but at the same time i can some of you pick up the phone and say hey sean we're going to onto their android get back to you. just reserve the weekend make your travel plans. >> do you think that when we look at the pond numbers and talk or divided democrats and divided party cannot win, and i am thinking back to 1948 when democrats were similarly depressed with the incumbent to the white house. harry truman and a good bunch of the dixiecrat's, southern democrats bolted from the party fearing they are stuck with the loser. republicans meanwhile were joyous united as they have never been before, with the new governor and look like they are certain winners. we know it happened. so do republicans or us ahead of themselves here?

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>> neil: hundred%. it's great point and don junior said that the republicans cannot get co*cky and they are riding high right now at a very successful convention. i expect certainly some type of bounce from whether bounce for trump and/or biden going down further but they cannot get co*cky. a lot of the key things a lot of decision-making is done after labour day for voters. spee kamala harris has been talking to big donors in the democratic party. she was saying we know which candidate in the selection puts the american people first, our president joe biden said in the oval office since about how it will impact working americans. bottom line she's to towing a very delicate line here. how did she balance especially if this push continues and strengthens? >> she's doing a good job so far. she has to support her boss joe biden and stay with what the white house is saying, that they are being defiant. i think the pendulum is moving back and forth and that's my the

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reporting on this has been difficult. but at the same time joe biden is saying i'm not going anywhere. he said that before andy singh now. i think she's doing good job it also has to get ready because she may be called upon real soon spee maximum of the donors were among those saying major stop giving if it remains joe. how real and palpable a threat is that? >> at the goods a real threat. money is so important in politics. i think a lot of these democrats of joe biden doesn't get out they will not go to the convention. think about it. barack obama it's his hometown chicago illinois. obama and pelosi are driving the bus behind the scenes. is fascinating spee ticket is. wild stuff for wild times. he said it was not going to be vanilla election year and you're right about that. editor-in-chief will be exploring this a lot more 10:00 am tomorrow. in the meantime here's the 5. [ ♪♪ ]

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