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I am 11 weeks tomorrow. I have a Sonoline B at home Doppler and have been trying to find baby’s heart beat periodically for about two weeks now and haven’t been successful. With my son I want to say I first found his between 13-14 weeks, but so many on here are saying they are finding their baby’s heart beat as early as 9 weeks. HOW?!
I will say I do have a tilted uterus. We went in at 8 weeks for our first sonogram and they could not see baby and had to switch from abdominal to transvaginal because of my tilted uterus. We saw a heartbeat or 161 at that appointment and have our next one in the morning, but I’m so worried they won’t be able to find a heart beat with their Doppler either!
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My OB couldn’t even find it on the Doppler! They had to roll in the ultrasound machine to make sure everything was okay and he was bouncing around perfectly healthy. I was 11 weeks and didn’t think much about not being able to find it on the Doppler at home, but panicked a little when the OB couldn’t find it.
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that would absolutely make me panic too!! I am so nervous for tomorrow lol
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The same with me happened at my 6 wk appt! But then at my 8 wk, she was able to find it via the abdominal, so I don’t know if my uterus is still tilted or what����♀️. But I’m 10 now, and I have the same - Sonoline B, and can’t find hb on it
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Put a pillow under your bum!
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It’s completely understandable to feel anxious, especially after not finding the heartbeat with your Doppler. Since you have a tilted uterus, it might make it more difficult to detect the heartbeat with a home Doppler, even at 11 weeks. Many women don’t find the heartbeat on a Doppler until later, and even at 13-14 weeks, it can still be tricky to locate, especially depending on the position of the baby.
As for the early heartbeats others are hearing, some babies might be in a position that's easier to detect, and some women have more practice with the Doppler. Don’t let it add extra stress—your ultrasound showed a healthy heartbeat at 8 weeks, and it’s likely everything is still progressing well.
Try to relax and trust that your healthcare provider will be able to get a clear reading at your appointment. It’s normal to feel a little worried, but you’re doing great.
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just coming back with an update!! My OB couldn’t even find heart beat using their Doppler today. She said it is still a bit early (they can usually find it by 12/13 weeks) so they had us do a quick sonogram to double check. Baby looks good and had a strong heart rate of 180!! Just wanted to provide some comfort to any mamas in the same boat ❤️
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