The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)



-Wanted, reliable MAN, "to drive and do UMht ganienlngi nmat enclose copies of re ferenoca, and state wages rs'iulred, to live la. COMPETENT, iieiKia jIAN VASMERS wanted, men ami woman, naw i. PROFESSIONS, TRADES, ETC. AUJOiiKfANOfT" PRIVATE and POSTAL Inttnirtlon for INTERMR-1IIATB and KIN A Eiama. UK GUARANTEE (-Itftuuuhlt (cm.

KNItol, NOW. itid will iriar yuu for (h'tfhr Kiamlnatlona. OHMUONWtAl.TU OOMMKROTAT OOM.enf, Dally TflPHrapli.bull.ilnir. Klng-atwC irORDKItrUIj X-RAY PnOTO. TOOTTT CHART.

DKNT18T PHII.UP IOfl ceaslty, 10 line, small space, easily csrrlec), sell at sight; 60 per cent prnnt, 1 per day easily. Apply L. WnJSON and 80 second Boor, Queans lend OmtxtjH Bridge-stract, Sydoeft. CUSTOMS CLERK, with thorougtTknowledge boilneaa, required, Customs Agency experience) advantageoua, Apply, stating sge, experience, salary required, and references. Will receive strictest oonadance.

FITZGERALD, STOKES, and box urn. Q.P.Q., Sydney. CORRESPONDENCE GIRL wanted for Filing and at tendiog to CORRESPONDENCE. bALARY TO COMMENCE, A3tf PER ANNUM. Apply BOX OfiO, General post Office, Sydney.

QOONABABABRAN bUlrU- SANITARY iVHPECTOB. Applications are Invited until THURSDAT, 1st MAY, Uiltf, or the Posltloo as SANITARY INSPECTOR, CARETAKER, and INSPECTOR under minor offices, at a salary at the rate of 196 Der annum. (Jive age, a ta whether returned soldier, state whether cer till ted, J. a. uAiivcr antra cienc Coonaba DRESSER wanted for foundry.

Mauri Bros, and Thomson. Itmirke-aL Waterloo. DENTIST. Wanted Surgeon, alao Mechanic. SegT nald Barnes, lltA LiverDool-sL cltv.

DENTAL MECHANICS. -Two wanted; also twoI -proven. Apply Dento, P.O., Paddlngton. DR ESSMAK IN fl. Sk Irt Honda wanted.

Ml-'anv mer. Ill Willlam-at. No Saturday work. DENTIST, qua lllled locum, required for ethical 'prao-tlce. suburb.

Locum. P.O.. Burwood. DENTAL Surgeon will teach suitable young Lady 4urg- den tint ry ret aervlcea. 8288, Hrld.

DRIVER wanted, for Warrick Carrier, age IS to 20, Apply, with references, GARRATTS, Motor Works, Woolloomooloo. DEMONSTRATOR. Smart Udy to Femoitrate Ptf- REX MEAT EXTRACT In city stores. Apply PUR EX. 840 Sussex -street, pear Liverpool-street.

oiiAKK. wanted, a om-ciass improver, start at once. iiitriieac warra. 138 Pitt-street, Quimi's-chambera, DRESSMAKING. Wanted, Coat Hand, good salary, permanent Letter or Interview, bums iiBacui, 8th Floor, 387 GeorKe-atreet, opp.

Strand. DR A FTHM AN. Wanted capable Drafteman, with exnerience in the arrangement of machinery- from contractor'a drawings of an electric turbo station. Apply witn copies tl credentials, to Area, c.o. GORDON and GOTCH (gueenitsnd) LIMITED, gueen-street.

ana pan TRESSMAKING. I iionnFRV nnoTHERfl have racaneiea for HANDS and COAT ASSISTANTS. Apply ADVT, v. no a.m. to 10.30 a.

re. IIORDERN BROTHERS, 203-211 Pitt-street DENTISTS. Position open for a DENTIST (D.D.S. preferred), to manage a large established Adver Using Practice In Sydney. Cood financial backing, liarge salary and commission offered.

Applications treated conBdentlally. By letter only to VULCANITE, co The Dental Depot, TH AU.flKAL.lAN UKUU Spring-street, Sydney. DRAPER- Wanted, a thoroughly compet GENERAL DRAPER to take charge of the wlude of the Drapery section of a Urge up-to-date Country Store, Departments Include Manchester, Dresses, Silks, Hosiery, iUDeraasnery, Mercery, uiotning, ram-j, rtlnnaev Ullllnar etn. Annlieant must DOSSesS PROFESSIONS. TRADES, ETO, IROTTCTION AGAINST INFLUENZA.

A aperial addlUonal aerrice of INIIALATORE has been Initalled by DANES, representing the LATENT and HAFKUT In Hulphate of Kino spray prmeciioo. Arrancrmenla maile foe wide marine of atndenta, dally cliklnfectluu, ami the utmost rleanllneM of every particular, emlHxIying the MAXIMUM OF nirr.ii, witn our wen-snown poiicj ui haai1 MUM SERVICE to every etwlent. Mew atndenta may begin at any time, Isaac Pitman OR Hummerhsyee finortliaod. Separate teaching rtaffa for each aystem. AJuroal Report, enntalning enmt most Interesting osaipaxUons, KrUKMT.

Last year our ettlmta won trrt of t-nrts In laaec Pitman Shorthand, both the Gold Medals awarded by the I.P.H.A., and also the coveted Pitman MerUI at Ifio worle per minute, pre awn ted by lease Pitman and Sons. Ltd. 8TATB TYP1HTEH' EXAMINATION to he held on the xtth and Slat May neat. Entries closn nth April. Age limit 17 to years.

FIRST FIVE PLACER on the order of merit list In the last examination secured by M.B.O. students. Result Tell. Remits TelL METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGE, Dtreetori: T. Stanley Rummerhayee.

J. A. Turner, F.O.P.A, 138 PITT-STREET. Interviews Daily, to C3TORAG1I BATTERY WORE. VacanHea for men wtahlna-i iwiierj wora.

tveoing cuuem, 7 course 0uplee about two mootba. Mod erate fee. Call or write for further narlicuUra. Auto Electrical Specialist, 1(W Ell- wiuwti uouiuu rn-itreet. AND TYPfc WHITING.

e-j DAY AND EVKNTNO CLAflSEa. bYn.NKV SCHOOL OF ARTS, 75A PITT-STREET (near Pork-street). MTS8KS L. E. and IL M.

CART Kit. Fa.P.8.A. Plttman'a Shorthand (the Universal System). TOUCH TYPEWRITING (all mahiuaoT DAILY FIIORTHAND SPEED CLASHES and TYPEWRITING PRACTICE. Quarter begins day of entrance.

FOR FEW and all oartlculara anolr al flCIIOOL OP ARTS LU1RARY, up to 8 p.m. daily. i-none. uny warn. S' nORTTIAND Df THTRTY DAYS.

The BOYD Syrtera Taught Personally or by Mad Finest, safest, mot airy elaa rooms of any Business College In Australasia. Plenty of space between the students; abundance of light and ventilation. Central Park atretehea below. Day nd night claaaea In full awing, but msska must be worn, notwithstanding special inhalation instalment. Students who do not care to attend personally during the epidemic should take lessons by correspondence, which they are invited to do.

BOYD SHORTHAND fN.S Daklng House, Rawaon-place city. City 1W0. HtiPF.nFnioi:a nxinn ivn uni va Any Lady suffering from thu above blemish should Call Ubon me for a fre trial InatmMir h. mh then julge between iiir. r.AI'KIIIKMJKD OPERATOE AND TIIK INEXPERIENCED.

Mr SUDreniacr Ilea In heinir a Mnaxialiat AtfT.V tnt uiciiiimia, biiu nave gaiiiro clear perenptinn of the work by making a study "TA.111n.111 a.iu inr nn.m. TI1ESK AND PRACTICAL' EXPERIENCE MILL ONLY BRING SUCCESS. EIGHTEEN YEARS AT 100 KING-STREET SHOULD CONVINCE. EVERY PRECAUTION TAKEN AGAINST Till INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC. MISS MAUDE MAD DOCKS, NEW ADDRKmS, 4th Floor, SWISS STUDIOS.

8tt7 GEORGE-STREET, SYDNEY, OPP. STRAND ARCADE. 'PHONE. 108 CITY. 'TATE TYPISTES' EXAM, Exam, to he held SHh and 81st May, entries closing 28th April.

Age limits, 17 to 33 years. DON'T DELAY. FIRST FIVE PLACES on the order of merit Hat In the Rut State Typistes' and 19 out or 30 pane secured bv M.B.O. etudenta. This Is the SEVENTH TIME IN SUCCESSION that the M.B.C.

has won the place In Governmental Shorthand. Typing Exams. (State and Commonwealth). METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGES, Directors: T. S.

Sommernayee. J. A. Turner, F.O.P.A. S3S PrrT-STREET, NEAR 8XOWS.

ll. PALMES, B.K. Ful Chem. Consul, -a- ting Engineer. Mining.

Metallura-v. Flmatlnn Pm. a. fVllllliM llmuia U.l-.., Tn DMi uu, 1. m-u, oronev, 'JTOWS AND SIIPIB CLERKy EXAMINATION.

CONTINUED 8UOCESai CONTINUED SUOOES3I Rtoilb 0 Ui. Dntmbn Lootl Gortnmrent CltrW EI.hVEN wer. cur1 bv atwlenu of tbl. CollMre. liOMK mdu.ll coum ot 1IOMB STUDY.

Th. TOUTS. bl. th. d.y you Jolrt Bend for roqwclui enrol KOW.

Ti. up th, 11 That lj.Bflla A A MmA I vwu MU40I1. EC. BLUETT, Manager. LOCAL GOVERNMENT COACHING COLLEGE, K0'Oonnell-stre, Sydney.

THE LOCAL COVERNMENTACT.I968 ANI AMENDING ACTS. EXAMINATION FOR AUIHT0B3 AND CLERKS. An EXAMINATION for Certificate of Onallflcatton Auditor or Clerk to a Shire or Munlcipalitv will 5e vdney Country CenUea tfculara aa to auhjeta, conditions of examination, fees, may be obtained from the Clerk tn the Com. mittee, to. Public Service Board, Ilimter-etreet, Sydney.

Last day for receiving applications la 1st say, juiv, OARLICK. Under-Secretary, xMcai 'Terninrnc nennrrmenc. Sydney, 10th April, ltllfl. (or-75). TUB INSTITUTE OF PUBLIO ACCOUNTANTS OF AUSTRALASIA.

11 BOND-STREET, SYDNEY. INTERMEDIATE AND FINAL EXAMINATIONS, Intending Candidates are notified that Exsmlnatlnna above will be held on MONDAY. 28th. TUESDAY. 2th, and WEDNESDAY, 3flth APRIL, UI19, at 0 p.m.

INTERMEDIATE. Bookkeeping and Accounts, IncluJ. mg niruierinip ana bxecutorsntp Accounts; Auditing, Paitnersbip Law, Trustees under Wilts, the Law relating to Contracta, Bills of Exchange, and Principal and Agent FINAL. the Principles and Practice of the Law re- Mung 10 uompames ana to Bajurruptcr or lnsoireDny, nerahip. Arbitration and Awards, and Mercantile Ijiw.

Applications most be made not later than 18th April. Further particulars and Annlicatfnn Vnmm n-a i obtslneil from the REGISTRAR, ROUT. D. RE1D, Ji ntiiu-Mrrei, nvune.r. i ELES3 TELEGRAPHY, A PROFESSION OEVPnTNO mre mr-m.

rvmnnl because It Is at 111 In 1U Infancy. Recent wonderful developments will revolutionise the World's Oommunl-cations, and by their application to Australian requirements will cause Wireless Telegraphy in Australia to expand by leaps and bounds. For the past 8 years PPOlntmenta FOR ALL QUALIFIED STUDENTS future pmspeeta are even better. Com. N9W on.

ACTUAL APPARATUS the supervUlon of our EXPERT INSTRUCTORS, you will be. ready for the big demand which is knowledge of all Deoartmenta, and will be required to make periodical trips to Metropolis to purchase. He will also be required to attend to Drapery advertising, circulars, etc. Salary 313 per annum, and bonus un results. Position open two weeks.

AppUcations wlll be treatea as conncienaai. Appiy, encmam wyy reierences only, and state age, and whether married, STOREKEEPER, tiax 1617. G.P.O., Sydney. TTVXPERIENCED Manageress for Steam Laundry, Mwt JLd have bad previous experience, residence provided. BUA to, UiyillaUUi r.v.

ELECTRICAL. Vacsncies exist for Firnt-claas ARMATURE WINDERS, having a thorough knowledge of D.C. windings. Good opportunities occur for first-class tradesmen. Apply to the Manager, R.A.N.

WLrv leas Workahopa. ua niiwicic TjtEEDERS wanted, for 2 revolution OpUmua Machine- a. ftllipping ewapatiera, mu.t whu-. ijlIBROUS CASTER WANTED, workman, r. onu u.

Appuea An ieiiing w.m Rocky Point-road, Rockdale. TOREMAN TUNER and TESTER reoired at onoe; must be thoroughly conversant with Bulrk and POSITIONS WANTED. TytKHSMAKKR, latest 'euC'N. H. Un ouirTYK" b.k.w..

inrrstiiurrm roat-omoe. I (ilumea, 'smart Frock, quick. fares, day. Wllliaiiuun, OcU. McDonald-et, Padd, DRAFtHMAN, with tiigh qiutlitloatlous.

In general tlv jwwer house, sub-ststit)D work. E7, Beraid. DltlVEIt'MlXIIANlU, wiHIng to drive car during Easter holidays, experience of nearly ail makes of irs. Cuiwble, Herald otlu. IIAUGHTnMAN, with practical experience of eleo-J-' Lriciil, wiretaia, and ltiternal oumbustion oflue wurk like eugagt'iiieiil.

Apply JW74llleiald. IXl'KlllKNCtU Milliner will go out by day, lkJ IIQtl, II era Id. liWJiGKTIU MAN. 80, wants job aa JVCareuker, ifP long exp.W rile 8aw. Herald.

EXPERIENCED" Male Nurse, nental aoJgsnersL ariutuinrii Uuum. a let! nr. and Racratarial duties seeks Kngagru't 2uth. AeecuUploa, llrkL EHUlnbaH, wnie experience ereauui and running large gas engines, snctWn plants, desires puaituw In charge, Enguis, Herald OSioe. I ENGINEER, own Workshop," Uthe.

jequlrea Light -J Turuiiig, siiull manufacturing. Low prices, A. McLEuD, co Sterling, Oxford-street Epping. 1 URNITURK SALESMAN wants Bituatlon, firat-ciaea experience. SUM), Herald Office, IjlACTORY FOREMAN," Willi small staff Trained X1 Workers, can make DO Yd', MEN'S COATS, and MEN'S, BOYS' OVERCOATS, wants POSITION.

11 era 1 mucv. GOVERNESS, all subjects to L.G., shorthand, typing, and b'ki'epliig, Prinoipnla only, Herald GENERAL Repairs to House Property by Trm wunfml. 1'lielinji, Kainham-st UanuVlrk. GROCERS. Young Man dUcngagotl, ecc-ks Situation, used counter trade, collect orderxw drive, personal rcferemes.

271i, Herald. VKNERAL MANAGER OF COUNTRY STOKE, or vT Asalat Principal suuurviae all departinenta, 8b yean uper knee, inarried. S. M. Herald, NeweaeUe.

HAlRDRKSHEa wants Casual Work, evenings gad Saturday. C.M.WM Enmore Poet-office. TT1GHLY OUAUF1KD and Thoroughly Experienced XX Teoiuiical teruM nuulrea Hcaponilbie) Position CTI1EP CnRMIST. Prrferabtr with Control of Works or Factory, le Firm of rood standing. to Design Special Chemical riant and rrocraaca.

Cwa submit cxcvpUonally goud Credentiala. ARGON, Adrertlaer Office, ADY, rings and playa, like light as Com-J panlon or teach. Mine. pref. Muaio, I LADY wlcbrs Position, Dental Surgery, 2 years' hot piUl experience.

Nurse Post-office, Msnly. rVKfraveller wUEea renreKent Costume Manufac-XJ turer and Blouse Mapuuciurer In country, known in all Isrgeit stores. ftteft. Herald OlH'-e. LEGAL.

Clerk, with comiid, ennvyg. and geni. country and city olltcca, dee. country, row leading city Arm, aall), Hcmld. MOTOR jmiVKItT-teady, reaiiiili', country traveller or Northern suburbs prof.

N.H., co llerald. VfOTOR DRIVER car or lorry, Tyear? xia. experience. uxioru-et r.u. MOTOR DRIVER, thoroughly conversant with Ford Cars and Lorries, seeks Poa.

P.O., Five Dock. IELUUIJH.VK Wonun Lawyer, kiiowi. law. open for orJun.Partn. 8M7, Herald I I U1UK UUlVfctt open lor r.nguKeineni, wwn country, any dint.

Pun lop. P.O., Ooulburn. Tl TUS C. l-adv A Udy Accompanlrte wishes hear of person ivt- des. Practice, wnga, Inntrum.

Muslim, VFaRHIED Couple, no encumbr. 1X hotel or refresh good want Msngement hotel or refresh good exp. 3iu, iieraia. XT EW 'ZEALAND Gentlenianr "recently officer A.I.F, Xl. N.Z., (letures high-class Ageuciea; i evcnuURMI.

iieram. NEKDLEWOM-N disengaged, would like sewing by day or at home, children's clothes a specialty. Apply J.V., P.O., North Sydney. XtATrEEN-MAKKIt, varied experience, including two years Royal Aircraft Establishment, England, de-hires Employment, lute Foreman Arrol Johnston's Motor Works, Scotlaiid.WriteCOt)MUS,MelboiyeAP.O. I POSITION wanted by Returned Soldier In any of Pacific Ihlnnda, knowledge of office work, also can attend steam boilers; open i week.

Address "OOSITION wanted by Returned Soldier on Station, N. S. Wales or Queensland, assist ato reman or any other dutiea renuired; open 1 week. Address I I IOTOG It APIIY, Gentleman with exyert knowledge Apparatus and Photography generally, requires Position with supply ilrm. N.S-W QucenaUnd, 8313, 1 1 era ia, QUALIFIED Practising ACCOUNTANT, wide com-nierc-Uil managerial experience, open for Engagement, part or whole time, (million with prospect, alary no oniect.

uraina.r.nergy, neraui wiui. QUALIFIED Hospital Nurse, wishing to go cngiani. will give her Services to invalid Lady or care ol cniinren, inr wnoie or nan iaic i Sirs, mi i.i.r,n. renrone, atrainrn, rsiiiuuin OU(TlTTRPENtYRFeTcer, Sheds, Stable, built and repairs; Concrete Paths. J.W., P.O., Enmore.

want. Position. Islands. Manager, i IV-Trader, or Sterekeeper. "PeHenced planter.

celient BODCr. UtnUtWt, rur. nciuuw r.v. i RETURNED ANZAO OTflcer would nice to mow rr Finn who believes in preference to Soldiers, and willinff tn elve him a start as Traveller, at present empioyea inmjors. Jino.

nrraiu. RETURNED SOLDIERS SEEKINQ EMPLOYMENT. 9 Architectural Draiurhtemen, 1 Auctioneer I Advertising Agent II Hi men 8 Billiard Markers 1 Builder's Labourer 2 Butchers 3 Boundary Riders 1 UlackHtjitth's Striker 1 Hoi Icrm akera' Labourer lliograph Operators 8 Bookkeepers 1 Bricklayer's Foreman 7 Caretakers 1 Chief Steward 4 Carpenters 2 Carpentera' Labourers 5 Cooks 1 Chef 9 Cleaners Chemists Compositors 1 Dentist 5 Dentists Mechanics 10 Driven 4 Electricians 1 Electrician's Fitter 2 Engine Driven 2 Engine Smiths 6 Firemen 2 Marine Firemen 25 Fitters' Labourers 3 Can! en era 2 Hairdressers 2 Journalists 2 Kitchenmeq 70 Labourers 8 Lift Attendants 4 Motor Drivers 1 Motor Mechanic 1 Musician 1 Packer 8 Painters 8 Photographers 8 Porten (hotel) 8 Porters (nallj 4 Printers 1 Rubber Worker Saddlers (dty preferred) 3 Salesmen 13 Seamep 14 Ship's Stewards 1 Stonemason ft Storemen 1 Shipyard 'Hoiirer 1 Timber 2 Telephone Linesmen 8 Travellers (Comm.) 3 Travel len (Ironmongery) 14 Watchmen 4 Warehousem*n 5 Wool Claaaera Walters 1 Wireless Opentor Km lovers are requested to 'phone, telegranh. or write, giving full particulars of requirements, to the Deputy Comptroller, Dept. of Repatriation, Chalmers.

street, cltv. if thev are able to errmlov anv of the above-described. 'Phones, Red fern 000 (8 lines). Office extension, Ao. o.

Employment section. A. O. FARR, ueputy uomjtcreiieK, SMART' Blouse Hand would like do" work at home; moderate. Business, Bunvood P.O.

(SITUATION wanted by good all-round man, not afraid worn. raney, iieraia uuice. CIT. PETERS Debt Collecting for a few more accounta. 158 Klngst, St Peters.

niEACHlvR (Lady). 13 years Public Service, sceka Poal- tion, town or country, teacner, uonai junc f.u. ri'RAVELLER, with good builders' connection, open jr. rnirniremeni, anr nasia. ttenty traveller.

Iieraia. mRAINED to return Emrland ahortlw would give services to Invalid or get as Companion on voyage in turn tor ia ra or part. nanowiCK. ITtRAVELLER, with own motor cycle and sidecar, ex- -a. penencen, is open ior r.ngagcment tor nail day, 8ve days per week.

MOTOR UIDECAR, Post-offlae, TWO Ex-Soldiera, tged 10. of good appearance and eduction, wot Employment together, travelUne, Inauratic. work or anything requiring bard work and 2900, Herald Offloa. WANTED, poaltfon MOTOR IIIUVeH, any claa. of ear.

trafflor.paira. Apply 'Phone, Pat, 1021. TtTAND to Apprentice, a Boy "to the Carpenter H.u., tumuiDvwi r.u. WANTED, Drirer, 1 "or l' borw ne BirdoV town prefened. 0.

Stent. Skarrett-aL Auburn. nArrTED. by oonipetent Penon, Sewing by the day, lVV miJ turn. O.3.R..

llordernit, Newtown. Travel fer RalMmiat. mm UfeUmt experience, city or country. 3338, lierald. YOUNG Lady, bus.

ability, trustworthy, like POS. 8 to 8 hours dally. 8S88, Herald. JPTNEKSmPS, ANC1ES, ETC. uvbitiisbtt invest -ioo or more, any BualneM.

Addrraa particulars Worekr, Kogarah P.O. A PARTNER wanted, Market Garden, Pigs, foullry close city. 68 half ahare. mis, Herald. ADVEUYISEK (40) wania PkUtrilpPoaition In Publio AeenuntaLit'a nm-A i.i.

T. ran luveat 1000. No. M17, Herald. ARTIST rain another" Artist e' class Fine Art School.

f.KTQ wniite-ri 1 WJSWHU WEllzeth-etreet, A SSTiL1 nl epm Home BulldingiJial Weeping preferred) with hino? Ulfoiu b''rinjH(eulldlngL Herald. A PARf.NER wanted' tn Haili en i iJT ney, cood timber, and nlent -ii-i necessary, amotmt M0, bslf-ahare. 1 and co.jjfl EHraheth-rt, Hty. AIT Eitm Orrod Opening for a fiuelneeailttanTo Join solid Businees, 4 week to start, also full share in everything no rink In this, and experience needed, 130. Apply flrst, hinuuaM'S, 188 PltWtreet, next King-street rUPABLR Business Man seeks Partnership ifTrepiri -r-Ugation yPlJAL 4900 "T.11!, selling lms, p.0.

profit, sella st stent- rteKt. oL bmm "-1' Apei OOUUTO-, I 1 a PARTNERSHIPS, AGENCIES, ETO. iNlTY Manuf. require PARTNER (Sleeping ba Buna a-a and do oHLua work, llonsst. UuetWO Uyi a good business, ana oan be extenueo.

uate pars Wcf leaving lor England few wee as. NO agents. Ubl, 1 MIHH THIS. 1800 kUtt 100 WITHIN SIX MONTHS. Onlv nnuliM investors who are breuared to go CAIuZfULLY INTO THE PROPOSITION need apply to o.

owh, iicraia fXPER. Bualnrea Man. fity oftVe, will put money 1-i Into any gd Propositions, or take Age. Soft, Herald 1.1USCTRI0AL toglneera. Working partner wanted.

IUO-2O0, I share. Est Biff pronta. Eleo- loaLP. 0.. Pateraham.

lSTATie AGENTS. lit fioud Huain-ss Was wffl efrtertaia Parteeratro. good City FUia or Buy good ctabwrsmn BeadAcm PaX-UouUn to Jt, pom uoa u.y. TTVftATK AGENCYT JUi Well-eatabllahed CHv Estate Aawnt. bavins? a large connection of many' years' stand log, a good rent roll, and DE8IRINO TO EXTEND, would enter Into negotiation for' AMALGAMATION with similar firm.

Smart, active salesmanship an essential, Pre liminary neeotlatlona mar. If desired, ba ooanad in ounddenot through applicant's solicitor. u. r. a.

ihub, r.vj.r.A., nioiic Acctuntant, 7U nrwireet. In Sifting Machine, thou-aodi of tons of shell grit ready for machine, driven by motor. A Urge Income for a small outlay ol 200. Easy mui siiv raxticuiara itOHK. inn King -at rest.

Cltr irreo. TCTALK-flllAJtE In Auxfllary Ketch, large contracta iinnuiiy. nxperieune not necessary. Mint ne aieaiiy. Price fV).

Paiticulara, ROSE, 108 King-street, city. Phone, 8720 City. HARDWARE or SOFTGOODR, Client will Invest up to ouu in sound CASH Business In city or suburbs, or will Purcliase outright a General Store CASH Business, Fuller partlcutani from R. 8. GEORGE, A.S.P.A., Publio Accountant, Dally 1 ciearrapn-puiiqinga, Mng-atreet.

TNTERKST In City Business, 100. act cs Manager, amount full secured. Principala only, 8661, Herald. TADY, with 600, not afraid' of work, to start, XJ nret-elass Florist; renulna. ba aswnU.

ttrinclDel no. stop, iieraia. LADY PARTNER wanted, with 400, for Musical Proposition, must be able to read earthing trees signc, rrom upera to Kagtime; no ageuu; gooa np-pearance, genuine. 8204. Herald.

MAN (and 200) want WORK as PARTNER, or BUY BUSINESS, MANUTAOniRlO BnstneaH, a genuine gnrne; eon earn, wants Workinw Partner. 330. Thla wfli atand any b-veatlgatioo. Come along and bare chat J. SHAW and 28 Rawson-cnarabers, opp.

Central Railway Station. ItfELBOrmNE SHOWROOM OFFERED, to share, or gooa paying Agency requirea oy Baieaman. ur- HigheHt crrdenttals. Finest businees location, facing Ellrabeth-street COMMERCE, GORDON and GOTCR, Melbourne. I PARTNER.

1S0 buys Half-share City fiualnesa, 5 weekly aaauml. lcitery -iaiDbers, Pitt-at. 1JARTNER. 176 secures Half-share in sound Busi- -s- ncsa; draw 4 weekly. Can reoummend.

ASH, Vldurr'cliambers, I'iU-etreeL PARTNER -wanted, Join in Estate Agency, writer knows district and people lifetime, smail capital wanted. 3M7, Uerald. 1)AKTNEIt wanted, capital about JWOO, City Manufacturing Buainess, big output, splendid pruau. Apply U. J.

PICKETT and itf fcllxabetn-st, city. IARTNERS1IIP or Buainess required by young Business Mun up to 150, must atand strlcufat inveeti-gationw 1'artlculars to G.L., P.O., Roselle. P'aRTNER wanted, capital 260, half-chare, city Commercial Business, turnover about 2000 year, draw 6 week and proUta monthly. Apply H.J. PICKETT and 40 ElliJibeth-atcItT KET.w7jUIEr thorough experlence'poultry, wishes meet anotlier with cupltai, start saute, POULTRY, Port KemblaP.O.

RETURNED Soldier with 160 requires naif Part-nenililp in Buslaess, where hie clerical services will produce salary. No agente need apply. M. L. Mosmu Poat-offlce.

1000, by reliable Limited Company "of ili 85 ears' standing, for the purpose of rnanufactur-lng and placing on the market certain products. The aiuuu carries iu p.c in tor ml, guanuitccu inir dlreAtnr. and aharea laaned aa collateral security. Investor may take active part if preferred. Further particular! on application to E.

L. CAPELLE, A.CJ.A., 1'UBUO ACCOUNTANT, SMART Business Man can eecure share estab. Manuf. Concern, no experience required yearly profits 1400, ba If -aha re. 3DQ.

Mcixiuail, aa fciLeapeLn-atreet. SHARE, in Shipping Business, fine conrrectlon, take tofcitton wharf manager, auiarv and share proflta, wr waiuou wwui 1 1 i.mmm iirj genuine concern, nice iwu. a Klng-Ueet, city.Thone, J720 Ctty OFIARK in Commercial Business, 8 yeare connection. Wlk salary, share of rnc. ROSE, 106 King-street.

8720 CUy. SHARE in Cleaning and Pressing Buslneaa, Suits, estab. years; experience not necessary. Must be willing worker. Draw 1 per wk.

and share of pronta. Price. 125. Particulars, ROSE, 108 King-street, city. 'Phone, 8720 City.

"TTAUD. Artist haa 150, wants Pianist or other. Like amount. 100 St. Jobn's-rd, Glebe, TTT INTHn 'piPTNl'n amall eanltal.

llniiSJi and Land VV prospects live man. 8405, Herald, i VTTANTED, a Mate, with 20, to go rabbUlng, gooa ground. 8227, Herald. TTANTKU ntTNttlNK PAKTNF.RA11IP. In PROG RES- VV HIVE CITY BUSINEhS, up to fi00.

CASH BUYER WAITING. We will Inspect MONDAY. All transactions confidential. BEAUMONT and CO. (late A.I.F.), DO you want a Partner, If so.

snd your Proposition Is sound, send particulars to ERNEST i. JONES, Auctioneer, P.O. -chambers, 114A, Pitt-street requiren Partner or Valuation see ua, O. A. MsxoletH and rut -at.

IF you require a PARTNER In your Business, Call. Write, or 'Phone, BTTERWIN and 1Q7 Pitt-atreeu ryou want a PARTNER in your Business, consult us. Clients wsiting to Invest from 100 to 5000. ASH. I ck cry -chambers, Fltt-atreej.

tip want a partner tor tout nusiness uaiaIa. WRITE, or 'PHONE City 2278. May and 3rd floor, Ocean House. 24 Moon-street. GAGE and Commission Agents and Exporters.

All Classes of Goods Bought, Sold, aad Shipped on Commission. AGENCIES ACCEPTED. ft RAN GOON -STREET, LONDON, ENGLAND. GABLES "SPREAD" LONDON, POSITIONS VACANT. AfPLtNl'dvi wanted to Motor Body Trimming, ajt 15 to 18.

Meadowbank MesdowLank. ADVERT. Canvasaer, for monthly, oircuUtlon" 10,000, 1 33 1-3 p-ccouu to g. man. Active, Jlox 1108, G.P.Oj DaAiti LAii waiiveo, cleaning ana messages.

wag i. aw ueorge-u. AarRALTER wanted, top-dresa path. Peiry, Coo Inoo. near Cable-st.

WollsumecraiL A DVERT. WRITER must bo smart. Apply AUDIT CLERK, smart, experienced, intermediate or senior, public accountant a oltlce, Age, experience, uiiiea, axii, iterant. itood DrosDecta. bkDNEY P1NCOU11K, 8 llaniilton-atreet.

A SMART, reliable YOUTH. to act as guide blind pknu tuner, city and -suburbs, references. jrDB. reiorcncea. far.

ncuiars, jatoKcs, uoncora-roaa, tlomeDUsu, "a 11r.1T nilk'tiii AUDIT CUERK, competent Junior required, for Pub Ho Accountant's Office. Previous experience and references, to 3615, A GENTS and TRAVELLERS wanted. throughout ---a- n. to bcii victor innaiaiion spravers, money. R.

M. Cantor, 277 Olarenoe-st 63 eacl 11 nuiiivDi vau ta. lauuiia Duu ugriuf. portunity for an Intelligent lad to learn a good irau. Ag 10 ye tb nuw, H'l'ij nAiauii, 1.1 901 ucorge-street, oroney.

A LL 8UBU BBS. Ladies and Gentlemen. 60 per cent 1 profit. Canvassers required, easy 20 day; sella at sight, proof of same. Mr.

WILSON, IB Queens land uraoes, BTOge-sweat AUDIT CLERK, capable controlling small Audits. A.O.P.A. omce. rood Drosoecta. State ana and 'experience, eocloae copies credentials.

In strictest con njence, to a. u. u.t 11 era umce. AT Business Exchange, 107 Wanted, SO Representatives (Returned Soldiers preferred), alao uuiiea, tut weeuy, easuy emrnca, wnois or spare time: noutiona oama threa dara. ACCOUNTANT, competent, would keep books for; agents, oociots, traoesmen, oay or evening, regular attendance, several days weekly, MODERATE, Boa SUl Q.P.O.

TTPPRENTICB to Xolnery aad CaLrpentering Trade wanted. H. McKENZTE. Timber Glebe Island. A 8SISTANT RESIDENT MISTRESS, capableiearh--A- iiur UD to Senior Publio Standard, l.rnrlitata nn ferred.

Apply, 'atatlng subieots and salary ax Dec ted. to TUB PRINCIPAL, Preabyterlaa OlrUr" Colloga, irammaa, stjow oomoa, ABOOKEEEPER REQUIRED FOB FIRM OF CIT? REAL ESTATE AOENTS. State age and tperieno to VERITAS, RAT Vfl tl A A SECRETARY Is required by tha Oouneil of the War Havlna-a Camnatent winaa h. -J ffood orfSJiiser, and able to address a meeting. Prefer.

v.iuBnvu oviauiKH posaess ins- tha nn la mullfleatlrma. Ma la tst a l. Appllcatiooa, wit- copies of to ba lilmisi 1 BOX 53o; General post Oflca. APPLICATIONS ar. In.lted for In.

Pmltio. of STENOORAPIIEK In uwchant? SwC aucceafnl nuat b. oanabl. of eompoamg her owo lettera. and preferanc.

will b. gina to thoa. with knowlfg. of filing. Apply, Mating full par- ueuwra, ana wKuoaing copia 01 taaumonlala, to ACCOUNTANT, wn to.

A ma y. nyun.y, APPLICATIONS are Invited for theToaltlfora A SENIOR CLERK in tha Countlng-noaao of a merchant's omce. The eucce-xful applicant mutt bo competent Acomintant and preference) will be given to those having had some ei perience In ooneo tlon with consignment and agency aoooonta, Apblr, statmg age, giving full details of past sjiperfenceTsft' closing copua testirnonials, and stating salary re- aureu, AUWVWTArrr, MsV I if BARLFY MOW HOTEL, Park sir, Rydn. Reaaoi-hte Ibtat, Luwhrun Daily, 1 p. in.

1,01 Dinner, p.m, o. r. cui, Ll. 'lit Hi-rtf nf the Blue Mountalna. I lata llrdurai 1 noen to IIimhU.

The Hotel has Keen iMiMifllfl, renovated, and liiiurloual furnished bmutiwi. biiu uirwiiy unaer super riaion gf i Proprietor, in iiw- fatnurite Reautf- Soota an with mm Mliing dlitmne of hlel, and TIIK KAMOI IIKLVIDKRB LINES within 10 inlniilM walk. Uta Hotel. K. W.

miEFPABD TUuin mr. ITTirknrath I. Terms on applies tlow. TIVDRRAL PALACE HOTEL. MELBOURNE.

LARGEST HOTEL IN Al rTTRAUA. I wo iiiiiinK-roonis aim L-aioa. Write lot Tariff Card. M0! rONTPIXIKH MANSIONS, un Wkkhatn Terrace II legate. III.IMIIA.Mt.

FI.FOANT IIECKITION ROOMS, SUITES, AND HI MILK ROOMS. fEi.noi.HNi:, vith ioilnii unearned, modern Improyetnerita, lart clientele, combined with oicellent service, flrst- tlim rutMiie. unit jii.AMii.-s.ii.r. lAiurr, a noma the tnrelliwr puldir eiery nm.forl and convenience. IK1 and from 7 DAY a i.i Ueeklv and Monthly Rates.

Tariff Chid I riW.n application miB bT. irancih, WUsT ESPLANADE, MANLY. BEST POSITION IN SYDNEY, an pa the "flu." come rifbt IS1IW. cpftHcxtf. airr balmiili-e overlooking ht Oeeaa.

Beerptlon, Iinar. Smoke rooms. Hot tad CoM mini, mr ic miumii, minutes loat and surf. Monthly Para, Rddfirllal Rooma from 10. Scvtrml mQabk Ada Acur.


Enrol i ui in tnaki- winter dxtiiine. Trrma moderate. I i RT Drawinir, Oih, Water, Paatcla, Pen IXl. Mi'iiti iiiik, fc, from 109 Der aiiarter. 12 lronn.

hTprrKiiwl trarhpa ft mln. anr tram romSaiindi'ra'ror. ra liw fc. .110 MiHer-at, frmonU i A STVI.ISli 81 IT. i.i iMTt nittinff and KltUnr.

Pcrnuitifnt. in-rlw-l uluiiie. Al aiion'dfrB, Owccita land Kvr. Drrsn. CASK or r.ASY TKHMS.

Utnt Suit Itoea and fat fltr Mror rmuJi iiiikihjk. A nnWAItll InCKVKIt. Alhrrt-hrilldrnav. 1 110 lUlhLirsl-al. riiy, (Mi floor.

OpfP Friday Ninhta. ICCOnNTAXO. Eia-n. TiMd OrloNr. 1918.

In'Htutr AcroiinUntB Common wraith ol, Australia, fct, PrmntMl, Suiwrfitl, 1 Partial Final, 1A VttvtnXri, 15 RuramfuL Total Pawa avrae 50 per cent, Our Paves averast HO ner renL Onr Ptwlcnta obtained the Kirat Three biaW. for the IntfnnMlale. and Flrat Plars In Am- ftralla for the Final, thm aenirinn Gld Medal of tht tiidenu Nnv, iirancn, noqi aecunna. CAM. AMI IXTKRVIKW RF.


A BCIIOOL FOR Mr.V AND BOYS TO LEARN WA. WK TKACH Flttlmr and Tttmlntr, Motor Car Repairing and Drt. kj, Die and Tnnl Making. nrawinc and Acetylene and Eleetrte Weld r. AeronantJca.

kn ALL BRANCHES OF GENERAL ENGINEERING. lWe hare the only Prartleal Merhanirral School of Ita fktnd In Aitatralaala, equipped with Millllna; Machines. Aathea Shapera, Planers, fir Indent, Drills, etc. ALL HOIJFUN TOOIA ACTTJAL WORK UNDERTAKKN. No Tora.

After a Cooree Is eomnleted you art romiMtent to kaka chanra of airy machine shop or naraire, or mold oan buslneaa for vonrselL Aae no obstacle. Rtudrnta pn 14 to actually recelvlnf Instructfcm with anea snccesa. Dit and Niffbt Claapea. RatltfactloD foaraateed. Call or write for Free Booklet.

rTATTONAfj SCHOOL OF ENflTNEERIWO to 259 ELIZABETH -STREET, biDNET. GOOD REASON for eorrtlnr to me ta that I have the laTKest Uentlat'a Reception Room In the Com. konwealth, therefore there ia no crowding. It fa Iracilcslly an Inhalation Chamber, as I nave an elec-koilly fitted up Inhalant AtoinUcr Spray working all r. a nurse la amiiya in cnartre, una any person free and welcome to call uu and nuke use of It.

ihalrttion twico ditilv. not only renders vou immune torn conUfrion, but witl kill the PNKUMONIC CBRM iat you may nave innaiea aurina; tne aay Plaim nuids in one iLlv if reaulred. Iteoalra in a kr hours. IOONSm.TATIONg. ADVICE, and ESTIMATES FTtEE.

Open Tuesday and Friday nighte till 9 o'clock. DENTIST SPILLER (TIIR NATIONAL DENTISTRY. TjTD.V lORNFJt CASTLEREACH and LIVERPOOL STREETS (over Nat lwia), ENTRANCE OASTLEOEAUUTREET. A RE TOTT A LUCKT MAN? pi- Thousands of people spend their rime In wlah- mg imt uiey oaa tne outer leiiow i iuck that's as far as they ever go. They keen on winning, and the other fellow heepa on having the "luck" that is, the SUCCESS.

But It ta not 1 matter of "luck" In modern bnstness life. SUCCESS le the reward of determination and energy properly applied. Yon trroBt acquire knowledge and capability, and to do this you muxt have expert Instruction. DON'T BE A WISHKR-fce a worker with att object Wish if you like, but work too. Be a man who knows a qualified man.

We can quamy you. OUALIFIOATION in one or more of the imder-mentioncd subjects will surely mean promotion sua sauna vuriLi rvn iuu, Civil Engineering, hire Engineering, Bookkeeping, Business Methods and Letter Writing. Shorthand, T-'ewrlting, Accountancy, Commercial Law, AdertiMng, Journalism, Literature, Rtory Writing, language. Music. Drawing.

Illustrating. Shnwcard and Ticket Writing. Station Bookkeeping. "irveying, Electrical EnjHneesing, Telenbonr. aVit Engineering, team Engineexiug.

Irchitecture, Irchitectural Drawing, uuamg uonsrruction, Infng Engineering. wtemistry. Metallurgy. ecoanicai iathmatic Science. urlctuture.

WK SUCCESSFULLY PREPARE FOR ALL PUBLIC KYAUtNlTIlWCl If do wish to earn mnr mnnv arwt letter position, with brighter prospects, write or call ElV." iiiwiraim I'lospectlU. It is Rhb to earnest men and women. CORRESPONDENCE fTh ArloHnol Rfnt BTOTT' CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE. Falmmith-chambcrs, 117 Pitt-street, Sydney. CC0UNTANCT EXAMINATIONS.

pIK CONSISTENT SUCCESS Of OUR STUDENTS. We train Student In all mri. a pe Ai-rounlanU' Institute' Examlnatkms, and our teenrd of nme and honours la truly remarkable. It pould take neveml columns to give our results since 191 and our record runs back to 1902. Taking one I "linatiiltl onlV.

the lnlenna.llt. k. tallh Iriktlhlte. foe atklrh tha m.lnrll. w- ianiliilutes ait here la our record for the' Dast four FIRST HONOURS HEMINGWAY AND I'll! 1017 H.


IfllR BlUDbNIN, Ntnber, 1R15 1010 Presented 82, Paued Presented 49, Passed 48 'resented aa, passed 81 Presented 28, Ps-ssed 84 Presented 88, Paved 81 Presented 88, Passed 58 Presented 68, Passed 49 Presented 89, Pa wed 85 toner, Itiio ru, iuit Inlwr, 11U7 ID 8 Icttiher. 1U1S rmemeu son, raateti 3X7 Thiia mil of 3Q3 candidate! presented by ua for these ToUh rreaentea bos, pasted 327 Out record Is ennallv tmnA Ine 'th'a CinV' Bnilnatlnni. ftill partlcutarf of which are pjm hed in the "Guide to Accountancy." a cony of ajrn win he (totted free to all interested. The coaehlng service that enables our candidates' oo remarkably well against all competitors In Dart nf Australia th Km, VAI! n- lll.iMa- tvlllv nA H.I "l- ht to give a maximum service at a minimum cost fur are actually below most others. One fee M.1 it Parsed, covering a complete course of tnntrd lesfona and continuous coaching until all fnlnattons paw-ed ami the degree ecu red.

There are nr Kpn failure, YOU nun fy to set lhad In thaaa Haa a prnpttltton. flu. lit the lime to Mart Write or rail foe HII.K COPY "ACCOUNTANCY GUIDE" Do not delay. Get one Now, HEMINGWAY awl ROBERTSON, lmfelfiun Accountancy Coaches, Collins House, Colllna-street, Local Reprwrentati vest- Messrs. I NOMAS DAVIS.

SHEEDT, and CO-Aurtra 1 la -chambers, Martin-place, wal i Kewosatia, "Yaawertk, If ru. Advertising Agency requires extra man or woman ae Asa is taut to tareseat organisation. Must nave knowledge of, or adaptability in handling copy, blocks, entries, checking insertions, office routine and maiuutement Those oroflcient In Shorthand. Typing. and Bookkeeping receive Oral consideration.

Successful applicant must be to start at reasonable waga, rivfimmum VVpuriiuutT, wiw ria" aw concern. Apply, with copies to retain for reference, open 14 days. BYrffKM, co Herald. BOOT wanted. W.

Grundy, Yule-at, Dulwich Uill. TOOTyTK A DE Wanted, a Flret-claaa Bench Hand, -L tat Repairs. H. Burton, Paddlngtoo. HAr FIN UHEK.

Wanted, lst-claaa Brasi lyOOT TRADEWtdTrileel and Bottom Scourer for nnismng rm. nutus anoe nnepnero-iane, cy. TJRJCKIMYEIl wanted. Annly opposite Post-office, TRICK LAYERS and UODCAltRiER. New Job, Lome.

avenue, nliisra. TUILDER'H ltllOITREH wanted. AddIv Luke Ma- ion Proprietary. FoweU-st1 M'lutyrejiroa ACtl llAAU, tlie work ana lawu-rnowera, a. Graham.

U'hlt uu-at I-elchluudt OY wanted, smart, lo-18 years, wagea 178. "Mrs. rnhy, grooer, 127 New H. I Ilead-rd, Hushcutter u. BRICKLAYERS wanted.

New Recreation Hail, Coast Hospital. F. Lemui. rv JL Hydney Arcade. T'MMlKIHMrilMri -U1N th aTnertpnCi bo4ikbindiiig flnUlicr pref.

AJax, Herald, BRICKLAYERS (7) wanted, Labourers, 18 day, fares, Levlck'a Job, Uerunl-st, NeuUal Bay. G. Us vis. BOOKBINDING. Flrst-clsCa Finisher con 1 sunt, state exp.

and wages. Finisher, lierald. AK KHM. Second linker, 310; interview 9.30 sham. 188 Castlereagh-sL "OUILDER'8 Labourer wanted! Apply on Job, Silvi ter kcd ica -st, ttt-uum.

BIUUKLAVElt wanted, hanlt. Jouea1 job, I'erry-Kt, Lelcb- 8. BOY wonted, to run Apply Mean' pharmacy, Bdbili Junction. TItlCKLAYERS, good Apply Brldge-rd, iiursi-nj, urumiaoyne. lNhTRUCTORS, Junior Senior.

Good prospects. Apnlr 8028. Uerald. HOT TRAIlK Vltlm anH U'VeJilnteta Mntad. eon, Peehter, sod Ltd.f Alexandria.

operative Factory, Pleasant-et, ErskiDgviiIe. TUTCHEKti. Wanted, Saturday Man, for to-day, A. Pointing and Son. 338 Oxford st.

radtiington. 1 IUCKLA VERS wanted, 15 and farea. Corner of Oarr ana Aruen sts, uoogee. TRICK MAKERS. SJ-TTTKItS wanted, 8 per 1000.

IJRICKLAVEK'S LABOURER wanted. Uetuon-st, JJ Hummer Hill. Serve two, 14. TOOKBINI)ING. GIRLS wanted, experienced U-urnera to trade.

Rowlands, 0 Hamilton-at. BOOT TRADE Wanted, Machinist and Socker and Slzer, start at once, 108 Willlam-it, city, 2nd flr. RICKLA VERS wonted, top wages, Forest-rd and Waratah-at, Rejtley. A. Buahby.

E. A. Baker's Job. TOOT Trade. Exp.

Girls for Packing Room, one able to iron, vernon onot yy low r.iiz.-w, tweuiem. fjRlUKLAYERS wanted. Apply J. Condon, near iu, urcmorne. HUICKLAYEA wanted, 15, long job.

Pickiion-at and Albert-rd, Strathfleld. Danks, Canister Works, Zetland tram W'tloo UUOT KA K. rJmart upera tor tor uiaite ana XA stitcher, best wages. Solomons, Cleveland-et. "DR1CKLAYERS WANTED.

Country job. Apply 17 rteaview-et, uuiwicn mil, rpone, ret, ivi. good men. Sneer's Job. Uopetoun-avenue.

nr. llalrd'i Store. Vaucluse. TJRICKLAYERS wanted, several months work. No.

2 -s-s Yuid, N.s. Brick and Tile ucre mil. BRICKLAYERS wanted for 2 Cottages, Mltchell-at. St Leonards, Apply 252 Lane Cove-rd, N. Sydney.

N77. BOY required, smart, good appearance, just left school nref. Brlno- rets. The Dental Denot. The AUBiniuu urug Dpring-streeu BOY.

A smart Boy for Errands wanted, good opportunity. Apply WALKER and HALL, 418 ueorge-nreev, oynney. BRICKLAYERS WANTED. 16 per day and fares. Apply O.

BARLOW, Rotemont, Elawick-street, IeicJibardt BRICKLAYERS. Wanted, Apply on job, Olivar-road. Rosevilie. Phone, J2126. C.

Newtek. Dudley-street. TREADCARTERS. Wanted, a MAN at once, refer- ta-- voces, netween iw-iz noon, u. newion.

jjqg, xxeiis in gion. BOYS. Vacancy for Apprentice, good AddIv. with ruardlan. JAMES I 'DERSON, Bookbinding Works, 38 Clarenje-street.

BOY wanted, for office, good prospects, start at SO. MAURI BROS, and THOMSON-, Bourke-atrect, Waterloo. BOYS wanted, steady employment, good wages, AUSTRALIAN BOPEWORK9, Bourke -street. Waterloo. "DUTLDER'S FOREMAN.

Supervise outdoor Cottage Work, etc. Allowance upkeep iiwiw. oauary ao per weeK. BUILD ISO Herald Office. BOY wanted to Deliver Parcels and to assist In our Packing-room.

Apply HAG ON. BLACKBURN, and 12 Barrack-street, Sydney. BUILDER required shortly, rery capable working 'SUervisor, cottage, about HX, Lane Oov River. iters, win oe strictly investigated aa to ability and TOY wanted, Warehouse and Factory, preferably icib jiiwi, i ia sort, (uw prospetTia. Apply Monday morning, to 8.30, KALAMAZOO, LIMITED, 29 Clarence-street.

"OEDSTEAD TRADE Firet-claas FOUNDRY HAND a- wanted aa Leading Hand; also ChlUntter. Must! i wuipewcnt. FORSTER'S BEDSTEADS, Ultimo. "DOY for merchant's office. Smart at figures, good Appv own handwriting.

M'PUKitSON'S 61-06 Bathurst-street, nyiney. HOSPITAL. REWA1UUNA DISTRICT APPLICATIONS are Invited, and will be received Ly the undersigned up to the 80th April, 1910, for the Position of MEDICAL OFFICER to the above Institution. Salary 300 per anourn. Cood local practice.

A. A. BROWN, 2JRENTWOOD HOSPITAL, MUSWELLBROOE APPLICATIONS, to be adrirwt tn tha will be received up to and on TUESDAY, IMh APRIL NEXT, for POSITION of SIXTRH tutlon at a salary of 30 per annum. Appl cants murt be Members of the A.T.N.A., and are requested to forward all copies of references and particulars as to previous experience. O.

G. MORTON, Hon. Becty. JJOLWARBA SHIRE SHIRE ENGINEER AND INSPECTOR. ADDllcations am Invited hnm navanna m.

IIS.J the Local Government Act fn th. Pnaltinn amuu ENGINEER, combined with ail Inspectorships. Salary, ww, who copies 01 testimonials, close with the under mH nn wunxtmniv the 10th Instant, at a p.m. Publio Works expenditure approximates 2750 per annum. The successful Applicant to devote full time to Shire duties.

A. McQREQOR. Shire Office President Largs, OARPENTERS wanted. New Recreation U-ll, Coaat Hospital. F.

Lemm. OAUl-hN'l'KKa (3) wanted. D. Qu'girln, tromrhtTn liaU. foot Wharf-rdi Ulchlianlt tram termlnuit.

P. J. Bradley. 28 itOLLARS (Linen), Hand Turnera and' Patent Turner.

wtd good poa. Write to Turner, Herald Olltee. (COMPETENT anergetlc Woman, aa Ply Owner, jleulatFlau, MUaon'. Pt. fXAKPENTERS (S) wanted.

Harmon'. 40b, opp. Hotel, South Kenalngton. C'Altl'EN'rtB wantrt. Apply'job, Lever nroT woTki Dalmaln.

D. Stuart. TANVASSEltS, door-tc-door, good commlaalou. Call Saturday and Sunday, Warwick. ytlaroTit rw" fTCTOENTEIls wanteo.

Appl, 'comw Qeorg. Oroayenor ate, city. Stuart Rroi 1 ay- ---J- aa. UVT11 VUIC ptARPENTEB wanted. Apply 8 a.m..

Pardrlau WPOeonre.A Ait. rtri" rjARPENTER good, wantel AT VerrilliTKEil Beach, Plttwater. nj. near f.rr.: FLiera. fcotpMr, KUlaraT fAHPENTER wanted.

Apnly all day Saturday, AlW, Job. Wnonona.rd, ternXiiT wmmium nun tenninua. IAHVAS8ER, Photo. minTsaT. JIHnliaUao Ja5tyd.

UT opening for gentli- manly, wallducated Lad ta uing ror ge, Apprnlic. premium required, award wagea. Apply jam. HaVald lunaehold Too p.0. pront.

John Wilaoa and AMPETENf Btoiographer, with rood knowW V- SetUement Hank. mm -Z nruu" mlaalon. vm. Herald rANVASSKRa-lg rnonry. -nervrtlo Apfflr Cabnamata.

ro. Momtteta bomt Tnt appiy? -MRDBOARD BOX TRADB. Expencea BOOKMAKER V- forawoman. Hurt be open In all ruB MALL, TAcHtbWaM wanted. OOOD WAGES and PERUAjnmrnr RELIABLl MAN.

v.rir. 1. pHr3fijrr.aiitoil, JUNIOR ARSBTANT, nTrilM ROTAL PRINTTt AI.TRED HOSPrTAL, OAMymiv, good writers and felkeblsi aalaryio. wi JJJAVR CONFIDKNOK IN YOURHKLT, Don't get the Idea that you oan never make headway, or that you have not the Ability to succeed. Hundreds of people who were not so well equipped hu are have won their way to success.

They had coiifldenue In theinselvr--they were determined; they put forth effort and Initiative tlmy trained iheituwlvea and quaUned for promolloti. Mart to-day on the road to anon make yuurstU ettluleuL rrrorr and hoarcs burinksr colleob Wllx GIVE YOU PRACTICAL HELP, Take advantaga of our Ootmae bwtiaw tteo we have oyer aoO Ootirs, Bwludiuf the euhjeeu that Intexeet psu. DeHde tww tht ttade m4wAm jm want to follow, study wnoleitseJtedly you are sure to wm eueieea. Our tralnlnr la oractlnaL and kelpe jraa fo grasp fuajcUttMBtat prlndplea, Enrol aa a student to-day. PERSONAL OR POSTAL TUITION, DAY Oh EVUNINU ULABUKtt.

Gall or write for full partlrnlan of onr Couraes to the Principal, Mr. Geo. IL Rose, B.A. BTOTT AND 110 ARB'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, "Remington neutr," Lrrrrpool -street (facing llyde Perk), SYDNEY. A DIES' Own-Material Made Up, Blousse 88, Write for eelf-mrmsurement fomL Vista ManiiLavturiiMr Boi Ei37.

O.P.O.. fivdnev. Eat. IBIfi. I nv nititfra nnum a vtvi.

-a" i T.AD.y pi? WASfTKlfc-llif and Oountry I riSrr.Z-J I Tuition bv POST or PRIVATELY bv experienced Rankers. Enrol now and complete course In ilx weeks. Write or call. Commonwealth Com. College, Dally Telegrapfa uutimngs, ft 1 turn.

ftAMri Aiiiiiir.vf ADAME Blanch, prlv. Mai Di-Padd. Woollahra tram to 107 Olcnmore-nl, Padd, Woollahra tram to Urown-at. Pad. 268 MADAME HTATLER BRA OH, Certificated Masseuse, Fnrbee-et.

D'ghursL -Face, Scalp, ien. Massage if AHSAGK. 6 Westmoreland -st. Forest Lodge, 2nd stop put Orace Ilroe. 10-8, 7-9.

Mrs. MarshalL TtfARSAGK. Body and Face. W. T.

Dayton, 80 atl uxrord-at, Woollahra. Ml 1'addltiBton. fOTOR DRIVING Taught PRIVATELY, Udlea or (ientn. (1, A. Church, Chartotte-st, Aalinelfl.

MASSA0K7 (Jeneral. Swedish method, hot hatha, 10 to. (l.Nur (irey. 2i Forlien-at, Darirmhuri.L MKIHCAL Pru' ticea iranxferred, Loeiima, AiwIiUnU, etc. Itk'liurd TIioiimiii, IS Cutlereagh-au MEDICAL.

jante. -Practices to negotiate npoidngs. Ijoeiim u. 1 rouse r. yueen nan.

Mm 'i-a-. 1 rai'inea ror aie, ioc*ms. etc. air. Mdes.

Snrgeal Elliott Bros. O'Connell-st MEDIC A I. I'ractirea to negotiate openings. Locum wnte.1. F.

11. ITnaser, Metl. Queen -t, B'bane. ElTfCAL Prsc, Iicumn. sup.

Barr xix irrntII.M.A.-buildlnga, 30-4 Sydney. MEDICAL. Ioc*ms. AsafatenU supplied Prsctlcea Trantferre.1 Hnekhouse, Covder. II Martln-place.

MASSAGE for Rheiimatlam and Nerves. Also Face and Scalp Reauty, elc. NURSE LEE, leith, ltilfmir-inad, Kena'ngton. 1479 Rwk 1 ILLINERY COLLEGE, 119 Strand, 2nd 'j-ri(rar awan I'nplts tnor. uught, travel i fare.

14 leaa. 6, A3 qr. Day, Ev. 2tUUI. I rASMAGE, Face, Scalp, Body.

Mondays, Thunvlays, i 1111 MAN-TAILORED COSTUMES, well cut, from .13. Orders promptly attended. Miss GRAY, lat Floor, M2 Georre-xtreet. City MISS BELLA PERM AN, Teacher of Danc ing, Aim. tralla Houm.

III! Llvemool-st. Private Tuition br ApKiitittuent, in Fnnoy, Clawical, and M.Klem Dane- lug. Meiltna Hall, Woolcolt-atrert. 1241. ABXAGH.

EXPERT TEACHER A-x. Day and Nutht caasa. Moderate Km Paiieuta Treata. MADAME MAItKlLLK Phone. City 11028.


Masseur. 120, 2nd floor. Strand Arcade: and Seavfew, Upper Spit nmd, fn 111 n. City 080Z: Y1779, Mosman. Cily laiS.

Macquarie-atreet kUAUK liAltllvnS. Electrolvafa and Medical Face Treatment Continental Experience. High -class Toilet Creams. Ladies taught to employ creame to beat ad vantage. Coosultatinn free.

Hours, 1 to 4, or appointment. IMT PHILUP-RTREBT. CrTY. 1 fktmkriv' All patienta before being treated are Seientina la-tie and Klcctrical Iloilv and Face Ilia! atni scum. In the Commonwealth.

Don't fail to have a few treatment to keen your blood In good condition, then vnu ian throw off anr Infection. Electrical Rnilr Manage for Nerves, Rheumatism, etc scientifically treated nv Maiame. Letters in proor. Tel. a'rf) city.

Mad-tire PATTIB. B.N.Z.-chjmli Oetrge, Wvnyard aU. OTOR DRIV1NO. RUNNING REPAIRS. Individual Tuition on Modem Can In traffic driving and engine management Proficiency guaranteed (with license 10 manage any car.

run course, oa, no extras. witn assistance secure position. REGENT MOTOR SCHOOL (T.stab. 1 rears), 28 Regent-street, city, near Central Station. ItTOTOR SCHOOL (Ladies and Gentlemen), Cary's -chambers, 81'a George-street, Ku II way -aqua re (Car entrance kittle Regent-ateert) 'Phone.

Rl(ern UH1. Practical tuition only. We teach each student the met'lianiwu of the car, taking dwn and putting to-getber every part, with the benefit of practical ex perience in our Work-hoi; and Garage, under our ueuu cagineer. me course uiciuues TIMING, FIRING, DRIVING. We Invite a visit of ItuDerllon.

Our svatem le Pro gressive, an that students may join at any time. Driving tuition on Continental Cars and Latest Model A merit an Car. Bclf-startcr, etc Proficiency and license guarameni. run course, coo. aiecnantcai oniy, 33,.

Dally, 10 to 4. Night Classes, 7 to Monday, vtenneanayano, inureoajr MOTOR TUITION FOR RETURNED SOLDIERS Is made easy at noil CRTY AND ADAMS' MOTOR SCHOOL. Let ua reus re vou for the strenuous battle of life witn which you are ouw iccu. vnr ivuiw ia tiMtlnv. almnl.

and thurauirh. lltnit particular time, which gives the alow pupil or those attending hospital every chance to master the motor: Tuition given by principals only. Special terms to returned soldiers. Hear what Sydney a leading buai-neHN men say: Mr. A.

J. Hortlern. I am pleased to And that your Instruction Includes everything mechanical and electrl-rat, as well fcs tram c-d riving. I will have no hesi tation in recommending your innututton. Mr.

McMahon. The whole tuition was systematice and easy, and made so interesting, that co uia not in 10 in un. Mr. Arthur Kidman. In ref.

to rour tutorlno ofmv son In the driving of motors, I am very pleased with tne resuiis. uis nnrina is very asiisractory intieeu. Hours: Monday to Friday, 9-6. Evening Claasea, Monday. Wednesday, and Thursday, 7-9.

iMJitr.Ki ana ai'ajus, oe uxiora-sx, city. 284. Car entrance from Burton-et, M13 SPECIAL NOTICE. LEARN MOTOR DRIVING. AND ENSUES YOURSELF A GOOD LIVING.

THE SYDNEY MOTOR SCTIOOL, PALMER STREET, near Will Ism-street, city. In one month, will make you competent to drive any Come and Inspect and before joining aak what you are iroln to learn. I teach everything In Motorinir on mv own cars, I have the largest School In Australia, and the most up-to-date and complete outfit. All my, instructors are pioneers of motoring tn Australia. My best Testimonials are my satisfied Lady and Gentle 1 men Students, who tend their friends to me for tuition.

personally superintend the Instruction, You are not given over to cneao employed inatructora. My pupils are employed in other schools: thev hold all the beat motor Jobs In Sydney. Mv fees are tlie lowest, considering wnat you learn. Why waste time on old crocks when you can practice up-to-date SYDNEY SCHOOL OP ENGINEERING, 137 Palmer-atrect, near William-street Thone: William 511. Join anr time for da rlaua a a rwii.

Males annlleatlon lot mt nlh Or BEMOYAL. ON AOfOtTOT Oe TtlBi nncuraiM am ST11KET OOM1NQ DOWN, MY NEW ADDRESS WILL 1US8 MAUDE MADDOCKfl, 4tk rLOOB, SWISS STUDIOS, 87 OEORQE-ffrREET, SYDNEY, Straod Arctdt Tbon, UI Cltr. (Vh Pjlntlnga, wholeaal, reull, Wat prlcST ood work, Artl.t. Broil Urummorno.

jnilKlia tnken Dsllolou. Uomt-mad. ChoroUtoZ ParUcuUra Carmal. Pnrfm, a.SLa Trail. ItlOmnt Blarna mnA H.n..

917 tl Oood work mean. Mtiafactorr dcllvcrlM. workapedlaM, Dtekw. md t'talw latt'aS UNIVERSITY OOACmNn O0U.TOE, AtUa-bulldlnr. aprloc-arML Elrhtr pn wnt EXAM.

PASSES to Jali: by Phannkcv Board. INROL EARLY. (Sa. Oolum. AM).

2nd and led plan. in aad Itrd DtcT RETUMXKD Mi.DIER ilfp.T'o, tuition on l.ln SUITES Upholat.rc.1, alao M.ttnaaiaM. rhMpoal in th. H. MrnERMOTT.

IPS Crown 'rwfc. OffORTIIAND, BOOKKEBPINO, UHt TYPEWRrrisO rjr.jph.o,,iidlnffrKiw..t. STUART'S SHORTIIAND anil TYPEWRITINO KTHOOt. 47 BJEAnETILSTREETT gniRE AND town qjtRES1 EXAMINATION, PERJpN ALLY br OKimnOATKD o22oln. aa4aTSi rt all as aa n.

under and A lUf. A A i 1 I VJ V. ll 1.1 Cadillac Cars. Applv, enclosing copies ol tefttUno nials, to HOWARD MOTOR Brisbane. IBSTER'S BEDSTEADS! alary Ann-sirec UlillXV.

REQUIRE, WIRE WEAVERS and TWISTERS. GIRLS wanted, for packing. Australian ConiectiOa. ery McCarthy-place, ROCER. Smart Junior, 16 or 17.

Good prospect. VX Ura-an and Cato. KensilUTtO niHL, 17, or over, useful In shop, well educated. VA 16 to start J. F.

Dabbs, 25 n-ing-st Arc qsu rilRL, for warehouse, able to machine. Alex, at VA Gatenby and Malcolm-lane. af-'ll 1IRL3 and BOYS wanted for Biscuit Factory; as) vJ work Suturday. Apply 003 King-st, Tempo. GOVERXISS, ediimted, Melbourne Otammar schoo-a coach, for Law Latin.

French, Math req. poo. ivoie a -in XIRLS. Two Smart Girls required to learn 1 "VA and other duties. Age, 1 to Id yean, o.

t. lutt ana tv uawieTeaipi'Sus nVPUXVQta. roach boy 18, French, Mat-- TEETH, TKKTII. IKSTAL4 A MARVELLOUS APPARATD8. Too have wonderful X-Ray Photoeraph Uken of your teeth, and I am then ready to do the moat difficult oiling or eitrao lion periertly-heeauae I see all the de feru In the pbuto.

Ilow It saves time, you re and mine, aitd It aavra your money. My Apparatua enables me to drill Into the rnota and nerve caiula of the most lender and ebsreed teeth, and not atom of pain la felt. Fllline are raiu-teed aud kept in order fur Ave yean, "la It ml, pind rrarlous, how eaay? I never felt even the tiniest twlnjre of pain. This Is heart! every day In Mr up-to-date Humerles. It 1 hurt anyone during an TKKTII.




TKKTII. TKKTII. rxirat-iion even me unieet twinge of nam I will forfeit S. Iteautlful I'lstee. atmiur, romforlable Rrldrewnrk, and charm Ilia; (Vowna, all misraiitertl for 6 yean, are Urn.

hallmark o( Dent Phillip Moaea. OuiNiillallniiM free. Fees moderate. Ti-rnu can be arranged. Open till 6 p.m.

daily fSata. Included), 9 p.m. Friday, Halt holiday Wed- newlay. DENTTRT PflfLLTP MOSES. Orchard'! (Wnrr, George-etreet, opp.



TKimi. TKKTII. TKKTII. TVTKKKKPINd RIMTMF1ED. Books prepared and amounts kept by experienced accountant.

Heaaon- i.errna. wi MI'LIUITY. Herald. BOOKKFErpfO. A- INDTYIDITAL TTTITIOM.

V. BENDER, ArcounUnt, Teacher of DOOKKEKPINQ In the Department fo Public Instrurtlon for 1A years, REMUNERATIVE POSITIONli held by hta RUidtnt. mjjUNTKB-SniKET. near B0OKKF.EPIN0. BOOKKEKPINO, PHI ATE and POSTAL Instruction In Elementary and Advanced COMUKIlfHAL and HTATION Armunta.

Instruction by CKIITIFICATCD PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Qualind Bookkeepers are never out of work. ENROL Dally Telegraph-build Ingi. King-street rtHIROPODT. Mr.

a BLOOM, Rurglal Chiropodist, attends MacnanRlit'a Shoe Rtore. 1M) Pltt-itreet, dally from 9 to (I. Delicate corn opera tlona a sre- clallty. 'Phone, MP1 City. pITY DENTAL PRAOTICE FOR SALE.

Plant, Rooms. SO. long ltnue. tlcut ii-mibla unatr, hiei-trlc Dental Ktiglnr. tMUinet.

etc Apply or i ween ni-i, 2-4. MonHuy, hui. CHASELING. King a Vnm, DarHnghurat. DRfSMAKING.

We CUT. TACK, and FIT, any style, eiullv complete home. Country clients send measure. Miss J1IIAY, 522 Ueorgc-st. City Wl.

TYRESSMAKING Clames Resiimeil by Mdlle. Parfaite, iioom JO, I'noemx-rnaiuoera, I'lii-si iwn Practical tuition no charts. Patterns frt'in 10. Ty.VT HACK YOUR FACE with a blunt, old Kajnr. We can IIKSKT it equal to new, at moderate oust.

CRAIU and A IT EX uiie) DRESSCUTTINU COLLKCR, 110 Hi rand, 2nd Edimr Swan (ln.) Pupils Uior. tsuuht. lndlv. tuition. 10 8-2 Kina-at.

Mi J-' McMINN will Cut, Tack, and Fit Udiea own Material, raper psiierna cut to inesnurcmcm. TfkKNTAL. -Unnppoaed DenUl Practice, in prosperous mJ railway teruiinsl town, excellent climate, takings 1100, anil increasing. Wealthy OUtritl. Rent of rooms, Price, with full outfit, in good order.

KLAVKLLK jUerge-street. ENGINE DRIVERS coached April Exams. All candidate gntd. ecks, 1J0 1-jjjey-at, Waverlcy. ENdlNE" JIKN Coached all steam, oil, giu, elec text books, A.

Rogers' Eiiffinreriiifr School, 204 Olebe-rwd. Olfho, Sydney. ELOCUTION AND PUBLIC SPEAKING FOR BU8I-NKH8 MEN. A couree of Icshoiib will make you effective on the board, In Uie omce, siiop, or ruldic tdationn. If you have any defect of speech 1 can cure it.

MONTUOUKHY rTTl AKT, Nash's Wufrio Store, Phone. City 8082. opp. Paling't. pBKJ ENCU QUALIFIED IIAJR SPECIALIST.

HAIR STAINS, I have no need to advertise to do any business. aa I am a very busy man: but 1 consider that It ia tun iluiv tn lat the nuhlic know where tliev fain net their HAIR STAINED perfect and peniiam-nt. without iniurinv tii nair. from zu. 1 uo not em nit) aniimt- Hkm nr amalnim- I nneral mvaelf.

and Miss Lander. it aocA not uiauer your nsir is an uie coiour ui tpe rainbow. 1 v. ill put it riRiit. My expencnee tends over 20 years in Paris.

My up-to-date eslab Italiment. with Uia latest Inventloiui from Paris, speaks for itself. I have no need to boom my HAIU STAINS. Titer are well known. Over 60.000 people used them for the Daat Ave years, ror tne past zu years 1 used and handled every HAIR STAIN that nas oecn tnaue, anil now 1 nave no oesiisuon sar that mv HAIR STAINS sUnd alone in any part ui tne worm.

Because iney arc onir one aoiumnii thev are not dvea. but Dure rrenrh vegetable iwriect Ataina. Onn annllcatfon 011 1 v. Tliev Htilin the hair nirht dawn to the sea In. and I forfeit 50 If you can watih it off the hHir.

There are 27 different snsdes to clicHwu from. Including A beaut fill iiuniirn. No dhnirreeahle smell, and do not stain the skin. Fiire. 6,6: Uree llottlcs.

7 0: FosUge IO. Trv Im2 and If It Is not what I represent it to be 1 wm ft Lain your nair free of charge. I ahto stop hair from falling out, and can permanently cure UANDHUtr. Skin and Scalp 'treatment are HpeHiilties. Read my hundreds of testimonials mjr window.

Monsieur J. EUGENE LAM P.P., next Bondi Cash Stores, one stop before Bond! Junction. Uranft atop at-the door. GIRLS WITH LEAVING CERTIFICATES. On Completion of 19 mnntha' atrial fault training in our College, we are prepared to ofle you positions at commencing salaries of at least THIRTY -FIVE SHILLINGS rer week.

This Is a anwiute guarantee. ll we accept you as a student 1n the Leaving Certificate Class and fail to nna you an appointment we JlluUNlJ XUti aiAi- iuuh tecs, WeR-lmown Business Firms art continually asking us for young ladies of good education who can take posit lona as Private Hecretariea, with th prospect of earning 3 or .4 per week. If you would care for one of these positions aak foe nriKuinra 01 me special ciaas now lormuinv Tlie Principal Is In dally attendance to flew parents. 8TOTT8 BfSTNESB COIAEGB, LTD, (Stott and Underwood), t0 PrTT -STREET. 70 PHT-SREET.

TTEMSTITCUING. all denimis. done at Jav'a Drew -Ll- making Behoof, 128 Strand, 2nd while waiting CORRESPONDENCE. Thla ln.Atlnit tiaa Mirlnraement of all the leadlnr Educational Experts of Australia. It, la recommended by the State Technical Instruction Authorities aa an efficient ayatem for country itudenu.

STOTT AND HOARE'fl BUSINESS COLLEGE waa the oloneer Institution 1n Australia to place the whole or their coaching facilities at the disposal of those resident far from Educational Centres. For the past 85 years we have been gathering experiences of the ne-t meUiods adapted for this class or worn, ana thousands of satisfied students have attained 'helr Instruction, numbering more then 300. A few of the tmmitar subjects we set oat hereunder. vou are interested la any of these, OR IN ANY OTTIER 8UB.TECT NOT MENTIONED, write to ua or Schedule of Fees. Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Accountancy, Auditing.

Station Bookkeeping Panmanahin. Correspondence, English, Clftjalcfl. Mathematics, Commercial Art. Envtnerrlng (Mechanical), Engineering- flffleetr1ral. Engineering (Municipal).

Architectural and Building Construction, Rurveving Refrigeration, Motor Mechanical, Enirtne Driving, Municipal Eneineeni Exam. Muntclnal Clerks' Overseer of Works Licensed Surveyors' Exam. ALL EDUCATIONAL end TECHNICAL EXAMINATION'S 1 (List on application). Write for rrmpMe SyllaVug of any nbfeet tn which vou rnav be interested. We hare thoosanda of aatisfled etudenta.

tTOTT AND HOARES BUSINESS COLLEGE, Remington House (Facing Rd Park), Liverpool -etr eat, 8YDNKT. JUST OPENED, np-todat. Clara of Motor Drl.ln, and Ronalra. No fmr. and so out with m.

Rntt ptiptl rr.lTM fullut p.non.1 atuntlon. LIccdm ffiuratitwd. Lltwt Oan, alao Fnnl. Jala olaH iramivava. FROOU.

BLOUSES. WEIRTH. RU hntr. Vmt. aa tana tur.

ia ia tu. mt 1 I v-i 1'ion 1 boy 10, Braidwooa, euuu, bo vanced music, slniring. snris iu. Prot. stn.

home. N'dera. 80. Miw Rofe, 106 Pltt-et GROCERS. Koran and Cato, bare vacancies) fn Vaiihs Uan with eah avxBerienca.

OoDOitUoity an Ib BtTvaneaTnint in Branch MansMment. fCS suitable applicantaApply Monday, to12 2 Cleveland-et. OVERNMENT DOCKYARD, NEWCASTLE N.a.W. vm a nu11 Ia. VU CnilntwawTTrllwiK 1f TT All SEbf n.1 aw uan un irramme.

three (3) LOETSMEN and twenty (20) SHIP. WRIGHTS. H. FLASHHAN, 114.1,10. cecretary.

GIRL. wanted for bunlneaa aoency, realdent D'htirat, mil, and comm. Biikur. Newman, 27 Q.OVE11.NMK.M UUOKYARD, NEWCASTLE. N.S.WT WANTED AT ONCE, for Wg Shipbuilding Pre--gramme, PLATERS, RIVETERS, and CAULKERS.

Rtvetera can bring complete aquada, good piece-work berth, waiting. FLASHMAN, 11410W; "ecreUry. G1 BOTE. CANISTER MAKING. START IMMEDIATELY.

BACCHUS HARSH MILE corner Hay and Little Quay streets, City. VI Wanted, a competent SALESWOMAN for Ladles Glove Dept, First Sales, one able to control staff under buyer; must be good stockkeeper and of good appearance. Apply, stating experiences, age, salary, AppUea tlons strictly conndenUaL Good position for suit able applicant ENERAL STORES MANAGES. REQUIRED, for SOUTH SEA ISLANDS, A CAPABLE MAN, WITH A KNOWLEDGE OF CONTROLUHO A RETAIL GENERAL STORE 1 GROCERY, HARDWARE, DRAPERY, Ba. STNOLI MAN 1 OOOD PROSPECTS.

Pull particular, apply MONDAY or TUESDAY, afta, 10.80 or by letter, addr Hi "ISLANDS." HENRY BULL and 111 IOBXSTBjTJIT, OVERNMENT LABOUR EZCBANG MEN WORKERS; CILRRK, coating work, uuiuili, (ret, TIOUOFIMEN, FARM AND STATION LBANM lanuiti and yotttna). MINEI1, matalllfrnu, work. SHORTHAND WRITER and TYPIST (ret aoLV Apply 7-KlIaabtfMreet, Sydiur. CAMP COOK. FARM HAND9, EN01NEERINQ TMPROTEIt.

SHEET METAL WORKERS. Apply Returned Soldi era ftoction. nawHoniiamDen, w. niHDna FARRIEI and WHEKLWRIGKTS. BOILERMAKERS, countrr.

BRICKl.AVF.ns and BRICKMAKERS, eotmliy. CARPENTERS, BOAT duiiaikho, an. bi K1I1II1T1. PATTERNMAKERS, eRnrtry, PLUMBERS, country. S10NWR1TERS.

lunnbnn aim auuwua in f. vktj. eomln. for Wirelii, OMratorT InTtrurtloi SHORTBAND-TYPISTES (rxpttltnooi): Junior PERNALl. d.y or JSOOwSbbI, l.ftlZE Ml N.

M. TOWNS KNCE. ,77, rT.n i Full puticuUra from' Suptrtntondent, MAROON! SOIIOOL OK WTRELESS, CUMnoMtrMt, SYDNEY. CItr ess. YOVf0 O.nt wanu Lcaon, In Pni.

Ink. Water Colour Urawlnr. mnnn. POSITIONS WANTED. llTKILED ABlauuit 8irvWor daln.

Junior renw hui. Hiirt ninu AJfTANT rirtaittaii, ha. Mp sa. "JIonJrurtjH, 32M.

nerajj. AocouANTJ win "s7.wtiM, oUn wmTap ModeraU Km. SHU. ji.m .0 Bowllc MARR. COUPLE, wlh f.T-T'."'! nl" rtc, man bio.

optrator, g.rirt., 10 Pitt at, Rlt 1 to Into communis, tlon witA ManutaotuMr. nr iIhi.i.. d. OuMnaland, lln on oommlalon. autivk SALESMAN, t.o.

Gordon, Ootch, muuer, mi, onera or AccounUncy, a. aup. Couple, Porition, CareUker. hlgbnrt town. MUntry. tiAitrK.NTKK, handy and lobbing don. cheaply. Ted Edwarda. Oiford at Pf.tB (1LERK baa lime, keep buitneaa euTry Jlrom Vl week. MS.

Herald Offlca. COMPETENT BookkKjwr derlr-. EmployroentTlTeii-Inn. No. tut.

Ilnald one. ARPBNTERaUengageS, good, all-round, weatbir-boar I or brick, atart Monday. Reply A540, Herald. (y-ERK or polIrtor dkwngaged, had good 'bualnea, referenoaa. lilt, Hrld.

riARPENTER, good tradeaman, will tak." email loba, Apply Mr. rotter. Itn VlrtoH. rd. COMP.

and Reporter (returned nldier) mka PotlUoo. coutnrr paper. Herald. MMEROIAL Trareller dnlrra Pmltlon, trawlter for city and anbitrha. tn nn. 1Z: yeara' pw Himt cUw refa. Write, awt, Hrali fomtion. after 22nd Ahl. in tak.

balance. 8SS0, HeraM. pnAUFrallCirlliM.1 MOTOR CAR, frWn(AiKR Dtoenak In 'few J'hurrt. i Apply Artuane Mecnaucr seetMi, lunaaekimlm. .01 III il 1 WOMEN COOKS, OKNEIUIA lUIUSKMAID-WAlTBISriB, MILLINERS.

Apply Woman'. Employment Atmtv. nnbubeta-MnM. Sydi Anpllratkm, for any of then. DoaltloBl ba parwmaily or by mean, of the letter eard.

aarpnlted, without charge for th. tie, of empkrew at all poat ofllcea. TTAmnnrWER. -Wanted, good Man, Sal. Tl CP- XX land-at, Orown-rt, Radfam HAIRnREinERS-WantedT a irra Man, la worV.

Opttt, 04 OeorgetWraU I HArRDRISSErTwantei), all day Saturday, nWelai. h.rrf. Alblmi-rt, Surry Hllla. aniaii Man, for Batunky'. Ji.

14 Oowpw-rt, Bond! Jonctlon. l. HAIRtrRESSER. Wanted, good Rand. rlka, Ueorge-at Wea opp.

One Wroa. MAN. aU ai 1 Oowper-et, Boodl Jonctlon. XX daat. A.

A. Markm, Iff Oatord-aL vl 4 1.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.