How To Maximize Your Shipping Rewards In Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur? (2024)

  • A Complete Guide To Best Marauder Build In POE 3.25

    Because of the buffs to melee in Path of Exile Settlers of Kalguur league, we have more skill options on Marauder, and the most worthwhile skill to try is Molten Strike of the Zenith. Although this skill has a higher build cost, it can easily cope with various challenges in the game and has high survivability.

    Thanks to the enhancements in PoE 3.25, Molten Strike of the Zenith can now reach an astonishing 239% damage amplification at Gem Level 20, and the damage can be increased by an additional 800% after every five attacks. Because of the large Attack Speed ​​buff provided by Undeniable node. This is crucial for Molten Strike of the Zenith, so this skill is best used on Juggernaut.

    Since Forbidden Flesh and Forbidden Flame are expensive in Trade League, in order to save POE Currency, I recommend players turn to Strength-stacker to truly realize the potential of this build. This is an all-around build that can handle all challenges in the game. It also has up to 90 all-resistances, capped Chaos resistance, around 40k Armor, over 10k HP, and 150k EHP. However, this build is not recommended for Hardcore.

    Explanation Of Mandatory Uniques

    You need some Uniques to maximize Strength-stacker, and Uniques will scale accordingly as the character progresses. We recommend some Uniques to suit different stages.

    The following Uniques will not cost you more than 10 Chaos at any stage in the league, and they will provide you with a good starting point to help you transition to Molten Strike of Zenith:

    • Oro’s Sacrifice
    • Carnage Heart
    • Perseverance
    • Alpha’s Howl
    • Thief’s Torment

    When you are ready to move to Strength-stacker, the following Uniques will become indispensable:

    • Rakiata’s Dance
    • Crown of Eyes
    • Iron Fortress
    • Astramentis
    • Cyclopean Coil

    Before switching to these configurations, you need to make sure you have assigned Iron Will. Astramentis and Cyclopean Coil provide a lot of key attributes. Rakiata’s Dance is a very good two-handed sword that can be used as a transition weapon. Crown of Eyes and Iron Fortress use together to significantly increase attack power based on our strength value. You can also use Lethal Pride to give you Strength and some useful stats.

    Taking Chaos swap pushes this build to its limits, giving you flat Chaos Damage for every 80 Strength. Pairing it with Original Sin from Forbidden Sanctum gives you a further DPS boost. Adding Mageblood gives you a huge QOL, and keeping Synth belt is also a viable option.

    You also need to swap a Two-Handed Sword, gained Attack Speed ​​from Clusters, and additional Attributes from precious jewels like Emperor’s Mastery, Split Personality, etc.

    • Crown of Eyes
    • Iron Fortress
    • Original Sin
    • Mageblood
    • Replica Alberon’s Warpath

    Not recommended right away unless you want to explore the full potential of this build.

    Best Marauder Leveling Build Strategy

    Sunder, Bladestorm, Earthquake, Hollow Palm, etc. are all viable options for leveling up the build. You’re better off using Crafting Bench in your hideout. You can use it to upgrade Elemental Resistances, increase HP, upgrade attack speed, and more. Here are the leveling Uniques that can be used:

    • Helmet: Goldrim, Honourhome, Thrillsteel.
    • Body Armor: Tabula Rasa, Thousand Ribbons.
    • Gloves: Lochtonial Caress.
    • Boots: Seven-League Step, Wanderlust.
    • Amulet: Astramentis, Karui Ward.
    • Rings: Le Heup of All, Thief’s Torment.
    • Belt: String of Servitude, Darkness Enthroned, Belt of the Deceiver.

    If you don’t need something specific, then you should kill all Bandit Leaders.

    What Order Should Ascendancy Be Followed?

    This build is centered on upgrading Juggernaut, and you need to activate Ascendancy Nodes in the following order:

    1. Unstoppable
    2. Undeniable
    3. Unflinching
    4. Unbreakable

    Now, with this knowledge and strategy, conquer every challenge in the game! I wish you good luck in the world of PoE 3.25, and enjoy every wonderful moment brought by Marauder.

  • How To Effectively Use Resources In POE 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur League? - Purpose Of Each Resource

    In Settlers of Kalguur League, an interesting town, Kingsmarch, has been added. In this town, you can collect and use a lot of resources, and resources are generated and consumed in various mechanisms for rewards in the league mechanism.

    This guide will introduce you to all the resources in Kingsmarch and how to collect them, but please note that these resources are collected and processed by your workers and are subject to time limits after they are generated. It is also important to note that you cannot trade resources with other players. You can only trade with other countries through shipping.

    Unprocessed Ore

    When you ship, you will find that other countries are asking for some precious metals, but you don’t have them. At this time, you need to mine Unprocessed Ore first, because it is the predecessor of precious metals.

    On your map, there will be markers for Unprocessed Ore areas, and when you reach these places, an encounter will start. Once you have successfully completed Unprocessed Ore in the area, it will be automatically marked and you can send some workers to mine it.

    It is important to note that the amount of Unprocessed Ore collected will vary depending on the number of items in the area. When your Mining level reaches level 11, each mining will reward you with an equal amount of Gold and POE Currency.

    Here are some encounters you will encounter and how to deal with them.

    Crimson Iron Encounter

    There are 2-5 spawners around Crimson Iron, which will spawn some demons to fight you at the beginning of the encounter. When you kill a spawner, the remaining spawners will be fully restored, become stronger, and spawn enemies faster.

    So in this encounter, your focus should not be on the demons, but the spawners, which are the root cause. When you defeat all the spawners, you will successfully unlock the mark for mining Crimson Iron.

    Orichalcum Encounter

    Like Crimson Iron, you will also encounter several spawners, which will spawn demons at the same time. But here, your battle focus needs to change. It is those demons, because when you kill all the demons, your battle is won.

    In addition, after you win, you will get a special elemental shrine buff for a period. You can challenge some bosses or enemies that you have not challenged before after the battle.

    Petrified Amber Encounter

    When you arrive near Petrified Amber, you will find a different scene from the previous encounter-all enemies are attacking Petrified Amber. So what you need to do is to protect Petrified Amber from these enemies.

    Try not to let Petrified Amber be attacked once, because every time it is hit, the reward you get after the battle will be reduced. After you kill all the enemies together, you can see the mark on the map that allows you to mine Petrified Amber.

    Bismuth Encounter

    When you enter Bismuth Encounter, you will find that Bismuth is guarded by a group of magical and very rare monsters, and each monster has an additional elemental-aligned modifier.

    Unlike other ores, you don’t have to start fighting right away. Instead, when you click on Bismuth, it immediately grants you all the value of Bismuth and applies elemental-aligned modifiers to all the magic monsters in the area, increasing their difficulty and rewards.

    Much like Wisps from Affliction, each monster has a chance to gain these elemental modifiers, but you’ll rarely see them in League enemies. They don’t give you a certain reaction time before you’re forced to fight, and with a tornado chasing you, you need to think of a strategy on the fly to fight them.

    Verisium Encounter

    Of all the ores, Verisium is the rarest, and the encounter is different - you click on Verisium and hold down the mouse to spawn the monster you need to kill.

    This encounter actually works very similarly to Crucible: the longer you hold down, the more and stronger the monsters spawn. Of course, the rewards you get after winning are also more generous, especially POE Currency.

    This means that you can choose the level of enemies you want to fight, and even spawn powerful unique monsters, but be careful to keep the level at a level you can safely complete, otherwise you may lose the battle.

    Black Knight Boss

    At the end of the game, you may come across the entrance to a boss arena marked with Starfall Crater, which will spawn a very powerful enemy - Black Knight Boss.

    Your fight with Black Knight Boss is staged, so you need to attack it and dodge its rapid attacks in each intermission. After successfully defeating it, you will get some runes and multiple Verisium deposits can be marked for you.

    Smelting Ore

    After marking Unprocessed Ore on the map, you can send some workers to mine it. The mined ore will immediately go into your warehouse, and you can use it for shipping or smelting it into some precious metals.

    After each ore is shipped, the items brought back are different. For example, Crimson Iron can bring you Armor, Orichalcum can bring you Weapons, Petrified Amber can bring you Jewellery, etc. These are all very valuable in your subsequent games.

    Here is a suggestion for you: try to choose workers who have a higher level in these jobs. This will not only be more efficient but also cost you less. The process of smelting ore is similar to mining, and it is all automatic.

    Thaumaturgic Dust

    If you have some unused gear, you can take it to Kingsmarch to decompose it into Thaumaturgic Dust. The higher the level or modifiers of an item, the more Thaumaturgic Dust it will yield from decomposition. The same is true for high-level Unique items, and they will yield much more than some Rares.

    It should be noted that the decomposition time is calculated based on your real-world time. For example, if it takes an hour in the game, you can only wait for an hour in the real world. These times are also scaled according to the worker responsible for decomposition, so choose high-level workers as much as possible.

    Thaumaturgic Dust will become a multiplier of the value of your entire shipping value when you ship it, bringing you better and rarer rewards.


    As a small town, how can Kingsmarch not have farmland? Crops are the harvested crops in the farmland, and you also need to use some workers to be responsible for the planting and harvesting of Crops.

    Of all the resources, Crops are the easiest to obtain because you only need to spend a small amount of Gold or POE Currency, and the rest is waiting.

    The above are some resources you can get in POE 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur League, and how to use them. I hope you can use these resources effectively in Kingsmarch and build a prosperous commercial town as soon as possible!

  • What Changes Does The Latest POE 3.25 Patch Make To Shipping Mechanism? - Buffs Or Nerfs

    With the release of the latest POE 3.25 patch, there have been some changes to Shipping mechanics in Settlers of Kalguur League. Many players have been speculating that Runes and Tattoos in their shipments are affected by Dust they put in.

    But with this update, even if you send a shipment without any Thaumaturgic Dust, Runes and Tattoos will always be there, and you may also get some Divine Orbs and Tier 1 Currency Items.

    Unlike before, Thaumaturgic Dust should now only scale based on the amount of resources you send, so it is no longer a fixed set value. After testing, we found that even if you run a set of shipments without Dust, you can still bring back at least 1 Divine Orb. All trades have a risk cap of just under 1%, and as long as you have the resources in your quota and 1k to 6k of other crops, the rewards will still increase proportionally.

    How To Maximize Shipping Benefits?

    I believe many players will question why we can get Tier 1 Currency Items so easily. This point cannot be emphasized enough.

    Don’t send shipments unless you have at least 7K resources they require. Because it is inefficient to randomly send a bunch of crops to a port that doesn’t have them.

    If the quota here includes crops, you basically need to send as many crops as possible, with 2 batches of shipments having 30k wheat and corn. But the problem is meeting the quota requirements for Minerals, because they don’t automatically spawn on the farm like plants. Therefore, the item rewards from them are only worth it if you hit the set of tier 1 mods on the right basis.

    If you are not interested in Mines and prefer to get some Currency Items, then you have to complete these tasks manually through the game. That’s why you need to exit quickly after entering the map and interacting with League mechanic. This helps you reallocate quota as quickly as possible to get the next set of crop quota. Of course, it would be even better if the reallocation could be done automatically every day.

    One may also wonder why Bars are sent instead of Ores. Because Mines have a 3x higher fulfillment value compared to Ores, which means that it is much faster to reallocate quota by sending Bars.

    Thaumaturgic Dust Mechanism Changes

    So do all these rewards scale with Thaumaturgic Dust now? The answer is actually yes! But with the new changes, it will be very different!

    Basically, it will now increase the value by 1 until you have as much Dust as the original value of the shipment, and then it will drop significantly.

    To make it easier for you to understand, here is an example. The 10k Dust will double a 10k shipment, which is a 1:1 ratio. But adding more Dust than the base shipment value only brings diminishing returns. Because it’s additive, not multiplicative.

    Before the patch, “4x” was equivalent to 5M Dust for any shipment. Now, 5M Dust will “4x” a 550k shipment. So, your POE Currency gain is based on how much Dust you can produce and how big your shipment is.

    Why Did They Make This Change To Dust?

    So why did GGG make this change in the first place? First, they did it for good reasons. Mainly that it had too much of an impact on Risk Reward System, which forced people to pay 8000 Dust for every shipment. Also, Shipment Value Meter wasn’t honest with us. To this day, there’s still debate on Reddit about whether Dust actually adds any rewards.

    However, Patch 3.25.1 not only makes it clear that dust scales, but also how it scales now. Although the patch doesn’t mention what the specific number is, you can tell that its calculation mechanism is additive, not multiplicative.

    However, if Shipment Value does not reflect the rewards you get, avoid gambling with large amounts of unsolicited items and Thaumaturgic Dust. Because many people spent an entire week of resources and got nothing.

    Some people also use it to make Mirror Shards. However, in order to send such many shipments, you need a large crew with tier 10 members, which will help you send a large amount of crops as well as quotas at the destination.

    The biggest difference from before is that these shipments are technically an enormous gamble. It takes more than a week to produce such crops, but unless you get Mirror Shards, each shipment will not bring any profit in 1 week.

    Is It A Good Idea To Send Extremely Low-Value Shipments?

    The main reason for sending smaller shipments frequently with a medium crew is that this way you can encounter bosses more often. Defeating them will not only drop a lot of gold, but also Power Runes, which are now skyrocketing in price.

    But if sending smaller shipments is better, then why not send extremely small ones, such as 10 to 100 pieces at a time? If you send extremely small shipments, you get very few currency items. More importantly, crops don’t work that way.

    As we mentioned, GGG doesn’t want players to get a lot of Alterations and Transmutations when sending a lot of crops, and they know what will happen if they do that. Therefore, they implemented a currency upgrade feature that upgrades Alterations to Chaos and Chaos to Divines depending on the stack. So sending too many shipments is a gamble, and too few will result in you getting very little.

    Anyway, these are the changes to Shipping mechanics in the new patch. Do you think it changes Shipping and Dust? Is it a nerf or a buff to POE 3.25 league mechanics? See you in the game!

  • How To Smelt Ore In Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur? - Detailed Explanation Of Smelting Mechanism

    In the latest Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur, you can act as a town manager and use different strategies and techniques to make your town prosperous, one of which is smelting.

    In other games, the smelting mechanism may be confusing, but not in POE 3.25. You just need to mark the location of the ore for the workers you hired, and then wait quietly for them to mine, and finally smelt the ore they bring back to get Bars.

    But there will be some tasks for you to complete in the last step. This guide will show you how to deal with this task and how you can use this mechanism to help you build a commercial town earlier.

    How To Unlock Smelting?

    Like mining ore, smelting is also a worker’s specialty, so it also needs to be unlocked first. Unlocked after you get Rank 2 on Recruitment, you will need 20 Gold, 3 Crimson Iron Ores, 3 Orchicalcum Ores, and some POE Currency to build a smelter.

    Once you have the above materials, head east of the waypoint and you will see a hammer icon on the map that will allow you to build a smelter. Once it is built, you can start managing your smelter. At this time, you need to interact with Board and select a worker with good smelting expertise to be in charge of smelting.

    If you don’t find a suitable worker on Manage Workers page, you can go to Raulf in the town hall to recruit some new workers. Remember to choose workers with a high smelting level, which will reduce your costs and speed up your smelting.

    Smelting Levels

    In Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur, you can reach 11 smelting levels, and upgrading your smelting level will increase the efficiency and capacity of your smelting operations. Below is the capacity of each smelting level and the upgrade cost.

    Level 1

    • Smelting Capacity: Smelt Crimson Iron, Orichalcum Ores and 3 Maximum Smelters
    • Upgrade Cost: 20 Gold + 3 Crimson Iron Ore + 3 Orichalcum Ore

    Level 2

    • Smelting Capacity: Smelt Crimson Iron, Orichalcum, Petrified Amber Ores and 3 Maximum Smelters
    • Upgrade Cost: 100 Gold + 4 Crimson Iron Bar + 3 Orichalcum Bar

    Level 3

    • Smelting Capacity: Smelt Crimson Iron, Orichalcum, Petrified Amber Ores and 3 Maximum Smelters
    • Upgrade Cost: 585 Gold + 10 Crimson Iron Bar + 8 Orichalcum Bar + 6 Petrified Amber Bar

    Level 4

    • Smelting Capacity: Smelt Crimson Iron, Orichalcum, Petrified Amber Ores and 5 Maximum Smelters
    • Upgrade Cost: 1,865 Gold + 45 Crimson Iron Bar + 35 Petrified Amber Bar + 25 Wheat

    Level 5

    • Smelting Capacity: Smelt Crimson Iron, Orichalcum, Petrified Amber, Bismuth Ores and 5 Maximum Smelters
    • Upgrade Cost: 5,030 Gold + 100 Orichalcum Bar + 100 Petrified Amber Bar

    Level 6

    • Smelting Capacity: Smelt Crimson Iron, Orichalcum, Petrified Amber, Bismuth Ores and 7 Maximum Smelters
    • Upgrade Cost: 8,875 Gold + 150 Petrified Amber Bar + 100 Bismuth Bar + 50 Wheat

    Level 7

    • Smelting Capacity: Smelt Crimson Iron, Orichalcum, Petrified Amber, Bismuth, Verisium Ores and 7 Maximum Smelters
    • Upgrade Cost: 13,905 Gold + 250 Crimson Iron Bar + 200 Orichalcum Bar + 100 Bismuth Bar

    Level 8

    • Smelting Capacity: Smelt Crimson Iron, Orichalcum, Petrified Amber, Bismuth, Verisium Ores and 9 Maximum Smelters
    • Upgrade Cost: 18,765 Gold + 200 Bismuth Bar + 120 Verisium Bar + 80 Corn

    Level 9

    • Smelting Capacity: Smelt Crimson Iron, Orichalcum, Petrified Amber, Bismuth, Verisium Ores and 9 Maximum Smelters
    • Upgrade Cost: 21,795 Gold + 400 Crimson Iron Bar + 150 Bismuth Bar + 100 Verisium Bar

    Level 10

    • Smelting Capacity: Smelt Crimson Iron, Orichalcum, Petrified Amber, Bismuth, Verisium Ores and 12 Maximum Smelters
    • Upgrade Cost: 27,000 Gold + 400 Orichalcum Bar + 200 Bismuth Bar + 100 Pumpkin

    Level 11

    • Smelting Capacity: Smelt Crimson Iron, Orichalcum, Petrified Amber, Bismuth, Verisium Ores and 12 Maximum Smelters
    • Upgrade Cost: 44,115 Gold + 400 Petrified Amber Bar + 250 Bismuth Bar + 150 Verisium Bar

    It should be noted that smelting is a passive job. This means that as long as there is mined and unsmelted ore in your warehouse, it will be automatically smelted. If you do not want the ore to be directly converted into Bars, you can temporarily evacuate the workers responsible for smelting from the smelter.

    How To Speed Up Smelting Process?

    In addition to the above, you can hire some workers who are good at mining or smelting to increase the speed of smelting. You can also click the construction hammer icon to upgrade your smelter to increase the speed. The smelting speed will increase a little at levels 3, 9 and 11. When you reach level 11, you can increase your smelting speed by 60%.

    However, these are not the most effective methods, because either one will cost you a lot of Gold and POE Currency. The most effective is to increase the capacity of your smelting warehouse and assign more workers to each ore you need.

    When you unlock higher levels of smelting, give priority to ores that produce more valuable ingots to maximize your resource output. In addition, you should upgrade smelting as soon as possible in order to unlock other features, such as Mapping and Disenchanting. These ultimate features require bars to upgrade, so you need to start production quickly.

    That’s all you need to know about smelting in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur. By efficiently managing and upgrading your smelting operations, you can ensure a steady supply of bars, which is essential to advancing your Kingsmarch commercialization and enhancing your gaming experience in Settlers of Kalguur league. Have fun!

  • What Are The Changes To Apostate Unique Body Armor In POE 3.25 League?

    Apostate is a Unique Body Armor that was added to POE 3.24 Necropolis league. It is an exclusive drop from Uber Cortex.

    But why are we bringing this unique item up again? Because in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur, Apostate received a huge indirect buff through three notable changes: Quality, New Base Types, and improved Life Modifiers.

    This item has a very special modifier, inspired by Warlock of the Mists Wildwood Ascendancy from Affliction League, which grants Maximum Life from the equipped Armor item instead of Maximum Energy Shield. Therefore, any Energy Shield that exists as a defense stat will be obtained from Boots, Gloves, Helmet and Shield slots, granting Maximum Life.

    Note that this only includes the local Energy Shield of the armor items themselves, and does not include any Energy Shield gained from any global modifiers present on those items.

    New Changes

    Now, how exactly has Apostate been buffed in POE 3.25? Firstly, a number of new tiers of armor items have been added to the game, including new Energy Shield Base Types for Boots, Gloves, and Helmet slots, and these have ~45% higher average base Energy Shield than the highest tier in the last league. And that’s just the base Energy Shield, meaning you’ll also get more from any local modifiers as well.

    Additionally, Quality has also been changed in POE 3.25 to give more defense to armor items, rather than increasing the defense stat. This is another boost to the overall Energy Shield that these crafted items are able to achieve.

    Finally, the third change, which is also very important, is the massive increase in Maximum Life Modifiers that can be rolled onto armor items. These Modifiers have also been changed to give an average Maximum Life increase of ~45% compared to the last league.

    How To Choose The Best Gear Slot?

    All of these changes add up to an enormous boost to the potential of Apostate, so let’s really look at the potential with all of these changes factored into the item slots.

    Even though we’re looking at 20% Quality here, you can obviously get up to 30% Quality. Since they also don’t have Synthesis Implicits, you can get even more with items like Warlock Boots and Lich’s Circlet.

    Of course, it should be noted that these items will be very difficult to craft. For the new top Energy Shield Boots Base Type, Warlock Boots, you can get even more Energy Shield if you want to add movement speed to them. In this example, we’re going to add movement speed to them, and the item gives 199 Energy Shield and 129 Life.

    Then we have Warlock Gloves. Now you can see that you don’t need the extra modifier slots, the item’s movement speed potential goes up significantly, and has 317 Energy Shield and 129 Life. That’s ridiculous!

    The helmet is Lich’s Circlet, which gives a terrifying 468 Energy Shield and 144 Life. More importantly, all of these rolls are perfect, which is not very realistic at all.

    In addition, most Apostate builds will choose Rathpith Globe, because the item is incredibly powerful not only in combination with Apostate but also in Life Stacking builds in general.

    There are some exceptions, though, and you may not want to use Rathpith Globe in a Life Stacking RF build because its fire damage does not scale with the spell damage modifier. So we haven’t added a new Shield Base here, but the Quality changes and Life Modifier changes do affect Shield.

    There is also a Titanium Spirit Shield here, which has 421 Energy Shield and 159 Life. So if we look at all of these items together with the Apostate, we can get a total of 1,966 Maximum Life from Boots, Gloves, Shield, and Helmet slots.

    If you use a Rathpith Globe with max roll instead of a Titanium Spirit Shield, Maximum Life is 1,626 points, but you get 10% extra Maximum Life from the mod on Shield. From that perspective, that’s a lot of Life gain.

    I need to remind you that the items shown here are almost all Mirror-Tier gear. Even if Maximum Life you get from these gear slots is reduced by 20%, it’s still much higher than Maximum Life you can get from Mirror-Tier gear in the previous league. However, you need to consider whether your PoE Currency budget can afford these items accordingly.

    Dissolution Of The Flesh

    In addition, there is another key item worth mentioning, which is Dissolution of the Flesh. Although this Jewel has no special changes in PoE 3.25, many mechanical improvements have synergized well with this Jewel.

    Dissolution of the Flesh increases Life by 30% at max roll, so it is very powerful for Life Stacking builds. However, since any damage you take that would cause life loss is retained, that loss will cancel your life, and you need to wait a 2 second period during which you haven’t taken damage before the damage cancels the retention.

    Now, in POE 3.25, we’re also getting some vast improvements in Block, specifically Lucky Block on Gladiator Ascendancy. The developers have also improved the amount of block you can gain just by investing in nodes on the tree, which pairs really well with Dissolution of the Flesh. Because these Avoidance layers give you time to reset any life you retain from taking damage.

    Final Thoughts

    Apostate inspires a build that essentially just uses raw Life Stacking as its primary defense. It’s a grand concept, and it completely defines the build. You need to give up almost all of your Armor or Evasion and other sources of defense in pursuit of stacking a lot of life as your primary defense. That’s why things like Lucky Block have a lot of potential in a build like this.

    Regardless, Apostate is definitely the best choice for most Life Stacking builds in POE 3.25, and its very powerful Life Stacking is pretty much the best ever. What do you think of this Unique Body Armour? Do you want to try it? See you next time!

  • In the current Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur league, workers are the most important component of your Kingsmarch settlement. Without these valuable workers, your Kingsmarch will be a mess and not a prosperous town.

    But at the same time, they do things for you, and you need to pay them with Gold. Generally, these workers have an initial cost and an hourly wage. So before you start spending, shouldn’t you learn about them first?

    This guide will show you how to recruit these workers in your current league, and what you need to pay attention to when sending them. This will allow you to make the best use of your workers and build a prosperous town as quickly as possible.

    Where To Recruit?

    When you first enter Kingsmarch, you will find that you don’t have any workers, so you need to recruit some workers. But at this time, you need to pay attention to whether your recruitment area has been upgraded to the first level. If not, don’t panic, just spend some POE Currency.

    After upgrading, you can go to the town hall and look for a hammer icon next to The King’s Hand Johan. Click this icon to enter the recruitment stage. Here, you can talk to Recruiter Raulf, and he will open the recruitment page for you.

    On this recruitment page, on the left side of the screen are the workers you can currently hire, and on the right are the workers you have hired but are now idle. Each of them has a specialty, but they can also have a combination of multiple specialties, which are waiting for your subsequent exploration. Their specialties include:

    • Mining
    • Farming
    • Smelting
    • Shipping
    • Smelting
    • Disenchanting
    • Mapping

    As I said before, you can combine several specialties into one worker, which means that the salary will increase accordingly. So the best way is to hire the worker who is the best at each specialty and has no other additional specialties.

    If there is no worker you want on a page, or all the workers are unavailable to you, you can press the small button in the middle of the page to refresh the recruitment page, and more workers will appear. But I need to remind you that once workers with level 7 or higher professional skills appear on the page, it will be difficult for you to find some very good workers after refreshing.

    How To Increase The Upper Limit Of The Number Of Workers?

    In the beginning, you can only select 15 workers. If you want more worker capacity, you can upgrade the recruitment area next to Johan, up to 90. By the way, if you have too many idle workers, it will also cause a certain loss of POE Currency and Gold, so please do it within your means.

    Recruitment upgrades in Settlers of Kalguur League are specific resource levels that are available when you upgrade your other specialties, such as mining, farming, and smelting. Generally, you want to upgrade everything that can be upgraded with the resources you have, and then start planting, mining, smelting, and decomposing all new resources to upgrade to the next level.

    While you are upgrading your workers, you can’t be idle. Run as many maps as possible to get more Gold. Because Gold will become very valuable in the subsequent town construction.

    Do You Need To Pay Workers When They Are Idle?

    If you have been curious about the wages of workers, you can go to The King’s Hand Johan and open the manage town option. You will see that the wages of some workers who are working and some idle workers are calculated. And these idle workers are not included in the total wages you need to pay.

    Of course, if you send these idle workers to work, their hourly wages will increase. At the same time, removing or releasing idle workers will not affect the calculation of hourly wages, so the root of the problem is the total hourly wages when you actually have them working.

    Some workers with higher expertise may complete the tasks you send them to faster, while workers with lower expertise will take longer and you will have to pay more wages. At the same time, you should also note that Farming and Mapping are the two jobs that require the highest wages, so you must be careful when choosing workers.

    If you learn the correct strategy to use and send workers, you can spend the least Gold and they will bring you the most POE Currency.

    When Will The Workers Be Paid?

    Since idle workers are not paid, what about the workers who are sent out? Do they still need to be paid after their work is done? Strictly speaking, they are also idle. For example, if you send two workers who specialize in Mapping, their work will be completed after a period, but they will still show Mapping status.

    Don’t worry, they will not consume your gold at first. Once you put a new map into the map device, their hourly wage will increase in the manage town. The same is true for Mining, Smelting, Shipping, and Disenchanting. If the mined ore is smelted, they will stop until new ore is available. Shipping crews will rest after sailing and will not increase their work. So don’t worry.

    The above is some information and tips about Kingsmarch workers in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur league. I hope this guide can help you in the process of building a commercial town. I wish you a happy game!

  • How To Maximize Your Shipping Rewards In Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur? (2024)
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